Chapter 9~ The usual

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Four POV
Marcus and I get home and he glares at me the whole way. "Son. Shirt off and against the wall." He says. His eyes are so black and evil that they could melt me... Whole! I do as he says and take my shirt off. I go up to the wall in my room, and he comes over. I watch him undo his belt buckle and hold it in his hands. Then with an evil grin, whips me. Searing pain!

I can't cry nor can I say anything, it would just make it worse. He hits me 10 times then when he's satisfied he slams my door shut. I fall to the ground and see blood oozing around me. I'm luckily able to reach my phone. I text tris.

F- tris
T- hey four!
F-need you now, climb over to my window
T-what's wrong??
F-PLZ emergency
T-On my way!

We have an oak tree that stretches into both of our lawns, there are to large branches that you can climb on, they lead to our windows. After a few minutes tris opens my window that I leave unlocked and crawls in. "Tobias! Oh my god! Are you okay??? Of course your not!" She says and I can tell she wants to cry. She tiptoes around my room, and grabs a first aid kit I keep under my bed. "Here let me help you." She says and I don't oppose. She cleans me off which burns like hell, but then wraps me up. She helps me get onto the bed. "Thanks." I say and she shakes her head. "Of course. What happened though?" She asks. "My dad. He beats me." Her face is shocked. "I'm so sorry!" "I've learned to live with it." I say with a sigh. "Hey. No one deserves this! Especially you." She says lifting my chin to look at her. "I love you tris." I say and she smiles. Her smile lights up any room she's in, she beautiful!

"I love you too tobias." She says and I bring my lips to hers. Her soft lips taste like cherry, i move my hand to her cheek. She carefully wraps her arms around my neck. We kiss passionately for what seems like forever until we pull away to get air. "Your lips taste like cherry." I tell her. She blushes which is insanely cute on her. "Lip balm." She replies. "I like it." Her smile appears again. "Do you want me to stay or are you good?" She asks. Honestly I'm okay for the night, Marcus doesn't come back in ever after he beats me. And I'm all cleaned up, but I don't want her to leave. "Can you stay?" I ask. Her gorgeous blue-grey eyes look to me. "Of course I will." She says and we lay down under my covers. I wrap my arms around her like a protective fence, she snuggles into my chest. "I love you tris." I say again. But I hear her breaths steady and I know she's asleep.

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