Chapter 65~ A Single Ruby

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Tobias POV
The next morning I wake up not to my alarm clock but to my phone ringing. I groan and answer, Tris is still asleep just changed positions.

"Hello?" I ask still half asleep.

"Hey buddy." I hear Zeke's voice, and at that moment I know I'm going to have to kill him.

"What do you want at 5:30 in the morning?" I ask getting out of bed and going into the living room so I don't wake Tris up with my talking.

"Are you available?" He asks. I roll my eyes.


"Okay great! Meet me at the mall." He says cutting me off. I groan but don't object.

"Fine." I say.

"See ya soon." He says and I hang up.

I go back into the bedroom and Tris is awake. "Sorry babe." I say. "It's fine. I'll shower and then I can have extra time to study for the test today." She says getting out of bed. I get into the bathroom, shower in about 5 minutes and get ready. Dressing into jeans, red t-shirt, and a black hoodie.

I slip my shoes on as Tris passes me to get into the bathroom. But I grab her waist and spin her, letting her drop into my lap. She laughs and I kiss her neck. "Don't you dare leave a mark Eaton." She scolds. I laugh and kiss her lips. I finally let her go and I get going.

Soon I'm waiting outside the mall waiting for zeke, it's cool out and still dark. You can tell the sun will rise soon though, there's fog filling the air, making visibility low. "There he is!" I hear zeke, and soon see him making his way towards me.

"What am I doing here?" I ask yawning. "I need your help." He says as we go into the mall. It's pretty much empty, I'm surprised that they're even open. We walk into a jewelry shop, again it's almost empty. There's a man behind the check out counter though, he's typing on his computer.

"I need your help with picking out a promise ring for Shauna." Zeke says as we walk over to a glass box filled with different jewels and rings. "Why me?" "Cause you gave tris one." "So??" I ask confused. "I know what I'm looking for but I've never bought jewelry before." He explains. "Okay." I say and he keeps looking. We look for about 20 minutes and I'm afraid the guy at the desk will start to think we're gay or something. "Found it!" He exclaims.

He points to a simple silver band with one single shimmering ruby. "Red is her favorite color and she loves rubies." He tells me. "It's pretty." I tell him. He looks proud of himself. We get the guy to come over and help us. Soon we're leaving, Zeke now has a small white box with the ring in it.

"I'm giving it to her at prom." He tells me. "Good plan." I say. "Thank you." He says turning to me. I smile a genuine smile. "You're welcome. And I'm happy for you." I tell him. I really am, my best friend has a grand and beautiful girlfriend, with a daughter on the way.

We part ways and I drive back to the apartment where my beautiful girlfriend is.

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