Chapter 6~The unexpected came with the expected

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Tris POV

"Truth." I say softly. "What happened today at school in the hall after lunch?" She asks me. I sigh knowing I have to answer since I'm only wearing a dress. "Eric. He... He started kissing me and touching me and I couldn't fight back, he had pushed me up against the lockers and he was to heavy to move." I say and they stare at me like I'm some wounded puppy. I hate that look, then I glance at four. He's the only one not giving me that look. "How'd you get away?" She asks. "Nope! That's another question!" I point out and she rolls her eyes.

"Marlene truth or dare?" I ask her. "Truth" "aw man, I'm dating a pansycake!" Uriah exclaims. Mar gives him a death glare and punches his arm. "Damn woman, ouch!" She smirks. "Why did you go out with uriah in the first place??" I ask and she ponders the question. "Well he asked me and he seemed nice. And we had been friends for awhile, and he was kinda cute." She answers honestly.

We go a few more rounds, and the clock says 1:55. But we don't stop, most people are only in their undergarments or boxers, or just pant less or shirtless. "Four.. Truth or dare??" Zeke asks him. "Dare." Says a shirtless four. "I dare you to play 7 minutes in heaven with tris." Im shocked, my mouth goes dry and he looks over at me. He takes my hand and drags me into the closet.

"Look..." He begins to say. "We don't have to do anything but I'd like to say something to you." I nod, I feel like throwing up with all the nerves inside me. "I like you." Those three words stop me dead in my tracks. I was sure it was going to be something rude or mean about me coming out of his mouth. Not this! "4 minutes!" Zeke yells. I let out a small nervous laugh, then automatically cover my mouth with my hand. "Sorry." I say and he shakes his head. "No I shouldn't have sai.." I cut him off. "No it's not you. Thank you. It feels nice knowing someone thinks of you that way." I say and I find the courage to look deep into his blue eyes that have the power to melt you. "Would you maybe want to go out with me?" He asks. He looks nervous. He's scratching behind his neck and not making total eye contact with me.

I open my mouth to answer when Zeke barges in. "Times up love birds!" We step back out and I feel bad that I never got to answer four. "It's 2:00am, can we head home??" Some of the girls ask. We all agree and start getting things together to leave. "Tris. Do you have a ride home?" Four asks coming up to me. "Well chris drove me hear, but I think she'll be taking will home tonight." I say pointing to them over in the corner having a make out session. He laughs. "Can I drive you home?" He asks and I nod. "Sure." And with that he leads me to his car. I get in and he starts it up. Once we are on the road and speaks up. "So.." He starts. Probably just to get the conversation started. "Yes." I say looking at him. He looks confused at first but then realizes what I mean. "Really?" He asks. I nod.

"Yes, I'll go out with you." I say and I see a smile appear on his face. "That's my house right up there." I say pointing it out. "No way!" He says. "What?" "I live right next door." He says pointing to the house next to mine. "Wow! Really?! That's awesome!" I say and I get out of the car when we reach my house. "Thank you." He says. "For what?" "For saying yes." I smile and kiss his cheek. I wave goodbye and enter my house.

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