Chapter 8

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"Get out! Get out of my way!"

Jin sipped his tea, a book in his hand and sitting on a table. He looked unbothered by noises and sounds from outside his room.

"Where is that bastard!?" And bang. The door opened to reveal Jin's father, the staff stood behind him, worried.

Jin looked up from his book, smiling at the furious old man. The man stormed over to him "You killed him! You killed my child!"

"Please calm down. You have an image, atleast try to maintain it. They are looking." Jin pointed towards the staff.

The man glared at the staff and they hurried away.

"Would you like a cup of tea? After all, its been ages since you came to see me." Jin asked, picking up the teapot.

"Cut the act! How dare you kill my child?"

"I apologize but I don't know what you are talking about."

"You know about it. You are the one who murdered him." The man accused him.

"You aren't making any sense. What child? I'm the only child you have, as far as I know. If you got one of your woman pregnant how would I know, when I'm trapped here in this building? I never go out, according to your wishes."

The man shook with anger. He tried grabbing Jin but his hand was stopped by Kevin.

"You can't touch me. I'm the next heir to mafia. You're not allowed to harm the future of the mafia." Jin said, standing up. Kevin released his hand and the man glared at him.

"You aren't going to inherit the mafia." The man scoffed.

"But its in the rules of the mafia. Only the legal heir can become the next leader. And you don't have any other child."

Jin's father dropped in the chair, breathing hard. Jin was right. Even if he tried to give his mafia to an other person, the whole mafia would revolt against him. And it was not possible for him to sire a child. His doctor has informed him of that.

"Easy." Jin said, going behind the man, placing his hands on his shoulders, "Can't have your old heart give up on you. You can't die so early."

The man stood up, going out of thee room.

"He immediately knew it was you." Kevin said.

"Hmm but he can't prove it." Jin told him. "Heat my tea again, its gotten cold."


Jin was getting ready for his dinner with his father. After the murder of his child and mistress, rumor spread through the mansion that it was due to the fact he never took care of Jin. So he started to invite Jin to dinner everyday. Because he felt guilty for neglecting his son for all those years. He wanted to shower him with love and take care of him. "Like he does have a heart to feel guilty." Jin had said when he heard the rumors. It was just a plan of his to appear to be in good relationship with his son who he tried to kill.

"Young Master, dinner is ready." Kevin informed him.

Jin nodded, taking a final look at his reflection before walking out of the room. He walked through the doors and hallways until he reached the dining hall. The butlers opened the door and he walked inside. He was surprised to see a man sitting at the table beside his father. He smiled, walking over to his seat and sitting. He greeted his father and the stranger.

"This is Mr Hyun Lee. He is leader of our friend mafia." His father introduced the man.

Jin and Mr Lee greeted each other.

The dinner continued silently. His father sometimes made little talk, asking Mr Lee about his mafia. Jin learned that his mafia was famous for killing people quite efficiently.

At last the dinner ended. Jin was about to stand up when his father stopped him. "I have something to tell you."

Jin sat down and looked at his father.

"I have decided to marry you. And I have chosen Mr Lee. He is your perfect match."

Jin was astounded. He looked at his father then at Mr Lee, who was scanning him from up and down.

"He can help you when you inherit the mafia. Also his group will be very beneficial to us." His father continue to speak.

"It would be my pleasure to have such a beautiful man by my side." Mr Lee said, lightly bowing to Jin's father. His father nodded at him before turning to look at Jin. "I hope you accept each other quickly for the betterment of our groups."

Jin quickly recovered to say "I will not disappoint you." Then he stood up with an excuse me and left the room.


"That old geezer! He is trying to take away my freedom. He doesn't want me to inherit the mafia. That's why he is marrying me to that man." Jin continued to walk around in his room. He was fuming. One trouble gone and another comes. He understood all the game his father was playing. After he gets Jin married, that man would chain him up and follow Jin's father commands. So, the mafia would still be led by him.

"What is our plan, Young Master?"

"Is that something you need to even ask?" Jin said.


After some days, Jin received news that Mr Lee died due to heart attack. His father asked him about the matter but how could have Jin killed a man that lived in an other city? It wasn't possible. His father was very angry by the incident. He believed that Jin was behind it but there was no proof. He couldn't blame Jin because Jin was  found crying after hearing the news of his future husband's death.

Soon Jin's father came up with another man who would marry Jin. But sadly he died too before they could have their first date.When two more suitors died, marrying to Jin was considered to be a curse. So no one was ready to marry him even when his father gave heaps of money to them.

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