Chapter 17

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Jin put his sunglassess on, looking at the road infront. He was humming to himself, one hand on the steering wheel while the other pushed his hair back. He was feeling fabulous today. Well how could he not when he was rich, got beauty and was married according to his own wish. Not everyone was that lucky.

It has been five months since their marriage. How were they as husbands? Not great. They were fine towards Jin, treated him like a trophy husband, went to his room whenever they were needy. It was not a surprise since Jin knew how this will unfold. He wasn't even upset. Why would he? He basically signed up for this. Sure he wanted them to become his puppets but it will take time. Jimin and Hoseok were close, but others, nope. Specially Taehyung. He didn't even sleep with him. What was that man made of? Jin had subtly tried everything to get him in the mood but he didn't even bat an eyelash.

"Idiot." Jin mumbled.

'Now now Jin, don't ruin your mood. You are going to have a shopping spree.' Jin said to himself. 'It's been months since I spent time with myself. My husbands are too much to handle. I need a break.'

Jin's phone rang. He picked it up, scowling. He sighed at Kevin's message. The Jeon brothers were back after two weeks.

"Shit." Jin massaged his head, eyes on the road. Even when he was away from them, his mind was on them.

'They had to come today. It's my day. And I don't care at all if they start fighting. I'm going to spend my day my way.' Jin thought.

He was a bit worried since all his husbands were home. He hoped they could keep themselves from butting their heads with each others. Even if there were only two husbands at home they would somehow argue, without a reason. It appeared they had no experience or patience to live with another man. Just a little argument and their guns would be out. Its not like the arguments were serious. Like one time Hoseok fought with Jimin because he wanted to watch TV and Jimin was watching it. The other time Yoongi and Hoseok were going to blow their heads off when they both accidentally bumped into each other.

The Jeon brothers were hardly at home but whenever they were, all hell broke lose. Namjoon liked to tease and flirt with Jin. Biting and leaving hickies whenever he pleased. He didn't care if he had an audience, he would just start plaming him through the clothes. Pulling Jin towards his crotch and dry humping him whenever Jin walked past him in the hallway. Jin didn't mind it all. He loved his teasing nature. But the others would get pissed and it sparked some fights.

The younger boy, Jungkook was shameless too but in other kind of way. He didn't do anything infront of others, acting rigid and hard. But whenever he found Jin in the house, he would kiss him, more like mouth fucking. His hands would slip under Jin's clothes, teasing his entrance. He even slipped into his bed when he was asleep. Waking him up by licking his ear. Then he would go away, disappearing into the night.

Jungkook would whisper noona in his ear, making him all bothered and hot. Jin was beginning to think Jungkook liked to call him noona more then he did. Sometimes these days he was sure he was going to teach that boy a lesson. He needed to be reminded that though he was the top but it was Jin, who had the power.

And both of them liked to tease others too. Making sarcastic comments, angering others just for fun. It would cause huge fights. Poor vases would break as a result. Yoongi who was very hard to anger and tease, got bothered by them. One time they made fun of his hair because he had dyed it black again but he wasn't angry that much. Once they added poison in his coffee. And that resulted in Yoongi with his gun on their heads. Luckily, Jin was home at day and saved them.

'It was a bit too far.' Jin thought.

Hoseok was easily provoked. Just a smirk towards him would result in a punch. The Jeon brothers mostly bothered him not caring for his anger.

Jin was sure they would kill each other one day. These arguments were petty but he knew they had it in them to fight real. With a true reason and he was scared of that day.

Taehyung was not in the situation at all. He was never at home, working according to him. Last time he was, it was two months ago.

Jimin was the real man. He never was the one to start fights or to fight back. He was never bothered by the Jeon brothers. Since he never got angry with them they let him be. He was the one that remained with Jin in the house more. Maybe because he was the second son and didn't have to take care of his group.

'He is a sweetheart.' Jin thought, smiling when he remembered one time Jimin bought him chocolates when he learned that he liked them.

Jin messaged Kevin, telling him he will not be back before he was done with his shopping. Told him to take care of them if they fight.

"Finally" Jin smiled, turning of the engine and getting out the car.

He was greeted by the guards and shopkeepers. He had been there many times so of course they knew him. And how could anyone forget this handsome face. He went to different shops, looking for the thing he wanted. He searched everywhere but he couldn't find the perfect one.

"You only have one color?" Jin asked the shopkeeper. The woman nodded, apologetic.

"You do know how your brands main buyer is me?"

"Yes Mr Kim. But..."

"And I have told everyone to buy from here. You must have seen an increase in sales."

The woman nodded again, nervous.

"It's all due to me. I raised your brand's name. Acting like a model and wearing it everywhere. And you can't even get me this."

"Sir, we apologize. The customers only bought this and we are out of stock."

"You should have kept atleast one aside for me. I only use this one and you know it. I only come to this shop just to buy it." Jin tapped on the counter, frustrated.

He rolled his eyes as the staff bowed to him and apologized. He put on the glasses and said "I'm not getting my thing just by your apologies."

The staff were stiff and shook. Jin sighed, walking out the shop and said "If this happens again, I'm taking down your brand."

"Y-yes sir." The woman gulped nervously.

"Make sure to have these panties, exactly these one, in color red." 

Few moments later Jin was sitting in a cafe inside the mall, angrily sipping his shake, fingers tapping on the table. Eyes glaring at everything and everyone. He suddenly squealed when he got brain freeze. He sighed, massaging his head.

"Why isn't this day going according to plan?"

Jin took out his phone, growling as he read the messages Kevin sent. Apparently they had an argument and went out now.

"Children!" Jin snarled. He took a sip, sighing in relief. He looked at the shake with heart eyes "You are the only best thing that happened to me today."

He absent mindedly stared towards the people passing by the cafe, slowly sipping his shake. He loved doing this. It has been his habit since he was very small. Whenever he was angry or disappointed about a situation he would zone out. It kind of brought peace to him.


"I'm already missing you." Jin sighed as he looked at his empty glass. He waved bye to it and went out. He began to walk towards his car. 'Looks like I can't stay away anymore from his home.' He thought.

Suddenly his phone rang and attended it.


"Yes Jimin."

"When will you be back?"

"Just going to the car. Will be home."

"Allright. Be back soon. Bye."

"Hhmm...." and Jin finished the call.

He was walking, almost at the exit. He looked up seeing the crane and the glass that was being attached. Workers stopping the work and going on a break.

'It would be pretty when it finishes.' He thought.

He was under the glass piece hanging by the cables, walking towards the exit. Suddenly he heard a strange ziggy sound and he looked up again, eyes widening as the glass was falling towards him. He barely had time to register this all before he tried his best to jump out the way. He landed on his stomach, covering his head with his arms. In few milliseconds he heard the sound of glass crashing on the marble floor, pieces flying everywhere. 

He heard screaming and shouts. He slowly looked behind, seeing the once beautiful glass shattered.

"Fuck" Jin curses, as he sees the little pieces of glass embedded in his body. 


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