Chapter 4

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"I want to understand how this will work. Who will be the head of mafia?" Taehyung told Jin when he heard the proposal.

"You will still be leader of your own group of course. The money, profits, will be managed by you like before. In simple words, I plan to make a body where you six will be it's organs and your functioning will lead to the movement of the body." Jin explained.

"Whose mafia will be the body?"

"Mine of course."

"I thought you weren't interested in leading."

"I'm not. But I will keep a watch over you guys. Your mafias will work for my own, making my and you'r group the strongest and the biggest in Korea."

"Are you planing world domination or something?"

"No, no. I can't do stuff like that. I just want someone capable to take care of my mafia." Jin said.

"Hypothetically talking if we all agree and we work together, our mafias working for one mafia, we will be the parts for your mafia. Won't you become the head of the all our mafias then?"

"I told you I don't want to lead. I want to stay as far as possible from all this. I will divide the mafia in six parts and hand them all to six of you. You will manage your own mafia and mine."

"So it will appear to the world like you own and lead us but in reality we are the ones leading."


"What will you get from this? All your property will belong to us. You will be penniless."

"Don't forget you guys will be marrying me. What belongs to you will belong to me too. And who said I'm penniless?"

"You have something?"

"Who knows."

"Hhhmmm. What happens after us? Who will be the leader of the mafia when we are gone? If we marry you how will we get an heir?"

Jin grinned, walked towards Taehyung and straddled his lap. He lightly grinded on Taehyung's lap. He smirked when the realization hit upon Taehyung

"You are..." Taehyung tried to say, eyes blown wide.

"I'm a full package right?" Jin giggled.

"Wha.. How?" Taehyung tried to find the words.

"You will marry me right? My future husband." Jin said while giggling.


"How about this?" Jin asked Hoseok, pointing towards the suit, his arm holding Hoseok's, dragging him all around the shop. He was choosing stuff and preparing for his wedding.

"Buy anything you want, baby. Don't worry about the price. I will buy whatever your heart desires." Hoseok said, smiling as Jin giggled and kissed him on cheek. He then ran to the next suit, carefully examining it.

"Aren't you spoiling him?" a voice said from behind Hoseok. Instantly, the smile fell from Hoseok's lips and he turned to look at Yoongi.

"Mind your own business." Hoseok curtly said.

"He is my business. He will be marrying me." Yoongi said as he came to stand beside Hoseok, eyes on the distant figure of Jin, who was busy shopping.

"He is marrying me too. I have the right to treat my future husband anyway I want." Hoseok replied.

Before Yoongi could say anything, Jin waved at them, calling them "Come, come. I want you to see the suit."

Yoongi nodded and turned to look at Hoseok, surprised to see he was smiling, looking towards Jin with heart eyes. He snickered "You are a whipped man."

Hoseok looked at Yoongi, eyebrows furrowed, mouth opening to speak but Jin ran towards them and dragged them both to show them the clothes he picked.

"Just look at it! It's pretty right!?" Jin squealed as he pointed towards the white suit he had chosen.

"Yes, baby." Hoseok answered. Jin smiled brightly, happy at the approval. He then dragged them towards another suit, dark blue.

"I want you all to wear this one." Jin said, addressing Hoseok and Yoongi.

Hoseok simply nodded, agreeing with anything his partner said. But Yoongi spoke up, face a bit frowning "This one? Are you sure?"

"Yes!" Jin then pouted when at the look on Yoongi's face "I really like it and I think it will look amazing on all of you."

"I'm not sure." Yoongi said, carefully looking at the suit.

"Oh hyung please?" Jin begged. Yoongi looked at him, thinking over it.

"Please, please. Yoonie hyung, pretty please." Jin begged again, eyes big, pout on lips. He grabbed Yoongi's hand holding it tightly to his chest.

Yoongi watched Jin, trying not to yield to the man in front of him. But he was only a human in the end. Finally Yoongi sighed and said "Fine."

"Yeah! Thank you!" Jin laughed, kissing Yoongi on the cheek before going to the counter to make his order.

Yoongi stared as Jin went away, a little pink on his cheeks. He raised his hand to rub his hand over his cheek where Jin kissed him.

"And you said I was a whipped man." Hoseok said, breaking Yoongi's little moment.

"Shut up before I kill you." He glared at Hoseok but it was not very convincing with a blush on his cheeks.


"This is spacious." Namjoon said.

"Yup. I like it." Jin said, looking around the place. "Should we book it?"

"Just say the word. And I will book it." Namjoon said, placing a hand on Jin's waist and pulling him close.

"Hhmm really?" Jin said, biting his lips as he stared at Namjoon. Namjoon smirked, he leaned forward and lightly pecked Jin's lips.

"Do I need to prove myself somehow?" Namjoon asked, swiping his tongue over Jin's bottom lip. Jin slightly opened his mouth, tongue darting out to meet Namjoon's. Namjoon tried to push his tongue inside the mouth but Jin pushed him saying

"Not really. But I'm not sure about your capabilities in bed."

"I will prove them then." Namjoon said, walking towards Jin, eyes dark.

"Ah...Tonight?" Jin gasped when Namjoon roughly pulled him close.

"Tonight." Namjoon confirmed and attacked Jin's lips. Jin held onto Namjoon's shirt, moaning softly as Namjoon kissed him. Jin pulled back a bit, tongue out, licking Namjoon's, tongues playing in the open like a dirty french kiss.

"Boss." Jungkook said, eyes straight looking at the couple, kissing.

The kissing couple pulled back, Jin's lips a bit swollen. They looked at Jungkook who was standing with a female staff, who was blushing like crazy.

"The manager's here." Jungkook said, backing away as the female stepped forward.

"I hope you looked around. What did you think of our place?" The manager asked, trying not to look at the beauty with swollen lips.

"Yes. It's very beautiful and perfect for our wedding." Jin said, smiling.

"Would you like to book it?" The manager asked.

"Yes. We would book it for next week, saturday." Namjoon said. "Please make sure it is completely ready for the day."

"Of course. I, myself will be in charge of it. Please don't worry." The manager said.

"Good. We will come back to see the preparations soon." Jin said. The manager bowed. Then Namjoon, Jin and Jungkook moved to the outside, sitting in the car and riding to Namjoon's mansion.

During the car ride Namjoon got a call and he became busy. Jin pouted as his attention was towards the phone. He looked at Jungkook who was looking at him, and was he pouting?

"What is it?" Jin asked, trying not to laugh as he looked at Jungkook.

"Nothing." Jungkook said, turning his head away.

"Don't lie. You are bothered by something."


Jin rolled his eyes. "This boy is surely stubborn." Jin thought. He stood up and sat in Jungkook's lap, startling him.

"Don't tell me." Jin said, arms wrapped around Jungkook's neck.


"Are you jealous?"

"W..what?" Jungkook stuttered.

"Oh my. You are jealous. Is it because I kissed Namjoon and didn't pay attention to you?" Jin shifted and completely straddled Jungkook's lap.

"That's absurd." Jungkook tried to dodge his question, hands grabbing Jin's waist to stop Jin from moving too much.

"Oh baby boy, I wasn't able to pay attention to you because you were there as the bodyguard. You were hiding you're identity and you yourself told me to not act like we were a couple, even if I thought it was foolish."

"I said I'm not jealous."

"Just admit it baby boy. You are jealous. But it's ok. You look cute." Jin giggled pinching Jungkook's cheeks. "Don't pout anymore. I will kiss you too."

At the mention of kiss Jungkook's eyes lit up. Jin chuckled at the excited Jungkook before kissing him. Their kiss was long, both mouths completely sucking each other's lips and tongues. There were occasionally groans and moans.

Suddenly Jungkook grabbed Jin's hips and made him grind on his lap. Jin moaned as the hardened cock pressed against his cunt.

"You were calling me baby boy when actually you are the baby here." Jungkook said, kissing along Jin's jawline.

Jin moaned, grinding on Jungkook cock.

"Want to eat you right now." Jungkook groaned, opening Jin's shirt buttons. He sucked on his collarbone, hands groping his ass. Jin panted, trying to push Jungkook

"Not now Jungkook." Jin said, trying to shift to the car seat.

"Why? I want you." Jungkook said, holding Jin.

"Because he is going to come with me. " Namjoon said, pulling Jin from Jungkook and making him sit on his own lap.

"To where hyung?" Jungkook asked, watching Jin hungrily.

"To my bed." Namjoon said, caressing Jin's waist.

"No way. You two are going to fuck? And you aren't letting me fuck him. Unfair." Jungkook whined.

"It's because we aren't married yet Jungkookie." Jin said, biting his lips when Namjoon sucked on his neck.

"You two aren't either. So why me?" Jungkook asked.

"Because you are a little boy and its wrong to have sex before wedding for little boys." Jin said, smirking as he rubbed on Namjoon's lap.

"That's bullshit. You are just torturing me for the first time we met and I made a mistake." Jungkook said, looking away as Jin and Namjoon made out.

"Mmmm maybe." Jin said, chuckling when he heard Jungkook groaning in frustration.

"Ah shit!" Jin moaned accidentally when Namjoon rubbed his cunt with his fingers. He didn't even note when Namjoon slipped his hand past his pants and panties.

"You are wet baby." Namjoon said, as he pinched the cunt making Jin moan lewdly.

"Only for you." Jin said, panting. Jin leaned forward, lips in front of Namjoon's. They were about to kiss when

"What about my hard cock?" Jungkook asked, annoyed.


Does someone want a smut chapter or not?

I'm sorry if I'm not able to post much or my work is getting crazy and odd. I hope this chapter was ok. But I'm having some hard time mentally. I hope you guys wait patiently and read my chapters. Thank you.

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