Chapter 7

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The boy screamed in pain when the dagger pierced his skin. He felt like his muscles were torn. It was an unbearable pain for the small boy.


The boy heard someone call his name but he didn't recognize the voice nor was he able to see who was the person. His eyes were like a river, tears running down his agonized face. He was sobbing and crying but the pain wasn't going away. It was only getting worse. It was like dagger was twisting inside him, widening the wound. He was shaking due to the pain, breath shortening.

He didn't know if there were people around him or not. In what position he was lying. All he felt was scorching pain in the back of his shoulder. And he did remember being touched, some voices whispering in his ear, two faces, one he recognized and one he didn't. He felt something being tugged at his shoulder, pain increasing. Suddenly his body was jerked and he screamed before passing out.


Jin slowly opened his eyes, trying to adjust to the light. He was groggy and his mind was hazy. He felt someone touch him causing him to flinch in fear.

"Young Master, it is me, Kevin."

Jin's eyes focused on the familiar face before him. Suddenly his eyes watered, a sob forming in his chest by the realization of what had happened. Kevin picked up the boy and sat him in his lap careful of his shoulder. The little boy quickly clung to him, flinching when his shoulder moved.

"Easy. Your shoulder is injured, you shouldn't move too much." Kevin gently patted his head.

Jin cried and cried, trembling with fear. He held Kevin tightly with his one hand, as he was his only source of comfort, warmth and love.

"Shhh... I'm here with you. You're are safe now." Kevin rocked the trembling boy in his lap. The boy continued to cry, until he passed out.


The next time he woke up, he felt worse then before for some reason. He tried to sit up before Kevin rushed to his side, helping him to sit.

"What's wrong with me?" Jin asked looking at his bandaged shoulder.

"You're wound got a little infected. But it will heal soon. The doctor has examined you and given you some medicines."

"Its not serious, is it?" The kid asked.

"No. You will get better in few days."

The boy sighed "It would have been better if I died."

"Don't say such a thing." Kevin said, looking surprised.

"But that's what he said. I'm not a boy. I can't be the heir of mafia. That's why he tried to ki..." The boy shivered with the memory.

"Young Master, understand this. If a single person deserves to live in this filthy household, its you. And you can inherit the mafia if you want."

"But he said..."

"Forget what he said. You get to choose. You are a girl, a boy, it doesn't matter. You can even choose that. Its all upto you now."

"I don't want the mafia. I just want to get out of here."

"Its not possible right now."

"But I can't stay here! He will kill me!" Jin trembled, trying to stand up.

"You are safe. He will not hurt you." Kevin grabbed Jin hugging him. "Calm down. Calm down. Shhh..."

"Listen to me carefully, Seokjin." Kevin stressed, "If you want to live, you will need to work harder. Your innocent childhood is now gone. You can't act like before. He will ignore you but you have to avoid him. Act like you don't exist. Stay away from him. Don't let a single news of you reach him. Do you understand?"

Jin nodded, listening closely to him.

"When you get older, we will get you out. Before then, train and become strong. So you can protect yourself."


Jin did train and he trained harder than before. Soon he was strong enough to hold a gun. At the age of ten, he knew how to use all types of weapons, he was trained in martial arts. When he was fourteen, he could take down a man double his size.

During all this time, he never saw his father. He only heard whispers, gossips from the staff. He was never called on by him and never asked about. Kevin stayed by his side all the time, his only friend in the lonely house.

When he was eighteen, a maid came to him. She was stressed and trembling.

"What is it?" Jin inquired. He was getting annoyed by how long she was taking to talk. She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out.

"Goddammit! Speak up!" Jin yelled at her.

She flinched, eyes filling with tears "Youn-young Master, you're in danger."

Jin waited her to speak but she remained quite.

"Young Master?" Kevin came in his room, with a tray of food. He looked at the trembling maid than at Jin who was glaring at her.

"Did she disobey you, Young Master?" Kevin asked as he placed the tray on the table.

"No. She came into my room asking to talk to me. But she isn't saying anything after telling me that I am in danger or something." Jin turned to Kevin, motioning towards the maid. Kevin came close to the maid and Jin backed away, watching.

"Danger?" Kevin sounded worried, "What danger?"

But the maid, remained quiet. Kevin grabbed her hair, pushing her to the floor. She cried when her legs scratched against the floor.

"Speak!" Kevin ordered, pulling her hair.

"Master Seokjin is in danger. Master has a gotten a mistress pregnant. He plans on killing you now. " The maid told them, tears streaming down her face. Kevin jerked her head causing her to grab her hair, sobbing.

"How do you know about it?" Kevin asked her.

"I heard the Master ordering a maid to poison you. I heard it with my own ears." The maid admitted.

"How do I know its the truth? Do you think we will believe you?" Jin stood up from his bed, towering over her.

"Its the truth! I swear on my life!" The maid said.

Jin grabbed her face, squeezing it. He looked into her eyes "Should we check if its the truth?"

The maid's eyes widened. "Please, I'm trying to save you."

"And why would you do that? You don't even know me." Jin asked.

"I... I am your wet nurse. I raised you when you were a baby."

Jin eyes widened and he released her. He looked at Kevin for some kind of conformation but Kevin shook his head. Kevin came to him when he was three years old. So he doesn't know how Jin was living before that.

"I can't see you being killed. Please believe me. You have to run away from here. You..."

"Where were you all these years?" Jin asked.

"I wasn't allowed near you. Even now I secretly came here."

Jin stood up, going near Kevin, whispering "Do you believe her?"

"Not really. But there is a possibility that she is telling the truth."

"Can that old bastard get a woman pregnant? He had been trying for ages but he never could sire a child."

"I can't say anything with surety. If he has a child, it could be dangerous for you. We must get rid of that woman and the child."

Jin nodded. He turned to look at the maid, kneeling on the floor.

"Go back. Don't dare speak of this. And if you get any information, inform me."

The maid stood up, bowed and left.

"It will be easy." Jin said, looking at Kevin.

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