golden info

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[ ✄ s t a r t ✄ ]

Taking Hyunjin to his doctor's appointment felt surreal.

Jisung had never really had anyone know about something as sensitive as the topic of his actual gemstone before, and now that someone did know: he was horrified. The blue dye that had once hid his natural grey color suddenly felt as silly as those masks on television, the kind that were so simple, but still somehow made you a whole other person.

They were quiet in the car, Jisung too nervous to speak and Hyunjin too nervous to say the wrong thing.

Eventually the dramatic diamond couldn't hold it in any longer peeping out a small, "Sungie?"

"Yeah, hyung?"

"Do you need me to do anything, or do I just sit there? Can I ask questions, or is that offensive? I really don't-"

Jisung cut the diamond off, "Hey, you're okay. You're allowed to ask about things, okay hyung? This is new to me too I guess, so ask away."

Hyunjin sighed a breath of relief, glad to know his curiosity wouldn't be harmful to the small gem.

"So you're really a howlite gem? Wouldn't you be grey then?"

"Uh yeah, I use dyes and contacts to make myself pass off as a turquoise. They aren't much stronger, but it's better than what I am right now, yanno?"

"Yeah I guess... I've never really had to think about it I guess. I'm just a diamond. Does that mean you're really fragile? Like you break apart easier?"

"Mhmm, it's pretty easy for someone like me to fall apart, that's why I'm going to get replacements and different supplements and whatnot. To help with the weak body I've been given."

"Oh. I'm so sorry Sung. I- I wish I would've known sooner. This must be awful to deal with on your own."

"Oh don't worry about it! Really!" Jisung flushed, waving his hand.

"Are you sure? I just- Ah I feel bad Jisungie," the yellow diamond muttered in a soft whisper.

The weaker gem's eyes eased and Jisung moved to place a hand on the diamond's shoulder, "It's okay. It's not your fault, hyung. Besides, we can push through this together now."

Yellow eyes formed golden crescents at the turquoise words.










The two eventually arrived at a fresh and crisply decorated office. Jisung was greeted right away with kind and knowing smiles, and a pamphlet for the gem to flip through.

While Hyunjin wasn't quite sure what to do, Jisung grabbed his arm and pulled him over to the waiting area.

It was neatly furnished with cute potted plants, and a mute green theme that was oddly calming to the diamond. The small couch the two sat on was soft and welcoming, Hyunjin had to hold himself back from completely laying on the plush surface. Soft music played from the television hanging across from the gems, and two wide windows framed with creamy curtains greeted the yellow eyes.

Hyunjin liked this place.

The diamond returned his fond gaze to the small gem he was sitting by and leaned his head on the blue haired boy's shoulder. Jisung looked up and smiled at him for a moment, before retreating his gaze to the papers he held in his hands.

"What are those for Sungie?"

"Oh they're just outlining the options and different procedures I have to go through today. Nothing too big," the boy replied.

Hyunjin raised a brow, "So what are you in for today?"

"They're giving me my final round of shots and medication before they can work on my legs next week," Jisung nonchalty spoke.

"Work on your legs? Shots?"

"Well yeah, they have to be sure my body can handle the different gem infusions I have to have to get stronger. That's why I'm here today. Next week they start with slowly building in the infusions with my first surgery."

"Surgery? Sung I-I didn't know that's how far everything had to go- Does that mean you're replacing your limbs essentially?" the diamond asked, a growing numbness filling his gut.

"Well kinda. It's more like infusing what I already have with stronger materials. I'm still going to be me hyung- Why are you getting so upset...?"

The diamond shut his mouth and blinked.

Why was he so worked up? It's not his body, and Jisung is doing this to get better. So why?

The diamond shook his head.

Jisung was going to be fine. Everyone here seems capable and knows what they're doing. Jisung won't get hurt. He's doing what's best for him and his body. It's best to respect that.

Hyunjin placed an uneasy smile on his lips and reassured the blue haired boy everything was fine. Because in reality, everything was fine. Hyunjin just was unprepared for all the changes he was going to experience.

It wasn't like he's ever had to think about these things before.

In fact, as the appointment continued, Hyunjin learned more and more about the weaker gems. Many, unlike Jisung, didn't have the opportunity to get the help and changes that the gem was receiving. They were left in the world to fend for themselves and push through the constant hardships that came with having such a weak body.

It was odd for the diamond to hear that these infusions and treatments were actually very commonly done, however, could be very pricey. Not everyone could get all the changes they might need, unlike Jisung. There were uneven cases where gems bodies couldn't hold the infusions and rejected them, which created scenarios where gems had to go through a reversal of the treatment they had just gone through.

Hyunjin couldn't believe that this was a reality many gems had to face, as he had grown up in a primarily diamond family. He'd never had to struggle they way these softer gems did.

By the time Jisung was waving goodbye to the nurse at the desk, the yellow diamond swore to himself, he was never going to take advantage of his diamond body again. Hyunjin swore to make life much easier on the weaker gems out there and help Jisung through his transition. No matter how hard it might be.

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