yellow eyes

70 3 9

[ ♛ s t a r t ♛ ]


Jisung woke up the next day, the sun not yet having reached the sparkly stars. His shared room was peaceful, calm blues and purples painting the room and the peaceful sound track of slumbering gems wafting through the air. The blue haired gem snuggled into his warm sheets, bringing a fuzzy blanket up to rub on his lip. Jisung was content, warm arms wrapped around him and soft breath hitting his neck. It made the blue gem want to squirm, and so he did, but a smooth voice stilled Jisung.

"Mmm, Jisung, stop moving— We don't want any problems-"

"Minho! What the fuck?"

The diamond laughed, "at least you stopped moving. Now c'mere; I'm getting cold."

Jisung frowned, turning towards the diamond and snuggling into his collar bone. He wrapped an arm around to feel the smooth surface of Minho's black. That's when he knew it: Minho wasn't wearing clothes.

"Hyung where-"

"Jisung," the elder looked him in the eyes sternly, " so help me if I can't fall back asleep because of you, I will end your bloodline. And, yes, I'm wearing underwear so shut it cuddle me dammit!"

Jisung complied with a cheeky smile, but a low groan wafted through the room.

A rough and raspy voice echoed through the room, as Chan spoke, "please be quiet, we're still trying to sleep here Minho."

Minho knew Chan wasn't just referring to himself; the small white gem tucked away beneath the covers the other half of his "we".

The aforementioned gem grumbled as he pulled Jisung closer in towards himself. The black diamond nuzzled Jisung higher up, just so he could plunge himself into the blue gem's neck. Jisung squirmed until Minho found a comfy spot, gladly resting his lips against the smaller's neck.

They laid there in silence for a few more minutes. With enough time passed, they thought that Chan had gone back to bed. It only led to one thing: Minho went back to thinking about Jisung. Specifically, Jisung and the little "stunt" Hyunjin had tried pulling yesterday.

Minho was in no shape or form pleased to recall the event, but decided that he could get the upper hand on the yellow diamond and keep him away from Jisung for a while.

The black diamond smirked as he checked on the sleeping gem. Perfect. Going back to his neck Minho sunk into Jisung's scent for a moment before kissing at the skin. Jisung seemed to stir and Minho pulled back to bright blue eyes.


Jisung wasn't surprised in the slightest, after all, all the members were touchy in their own ways. He just hadn't expected something like this from Minho.

Minho leaned back in, nibbling and biting, jealousy slowly easing out as he let himself enjoy the blue gem's presence. Soft hands tangled into his dark diamond locks, and a gentle whimper was all it took for the diamond to find the perfect spot to stay and play with.

Jisung knew he was going to be noisy if he didn't stop the diamond now. And with how tired Chan sounded earlier, he decided it was better to not risk things. He pulled at Minho's hair, and the diamond pulled back from the mess he'd made of Jisung's neck. The blue gem went to speak when slightly chapped lips kissed his cheek.


The diamond didn't respond in the way Jisung had hoped. He merely left with another kiss to the turquoise's cheek and left: bidding the younger to rest again.

Jisung lay awake and counted sheep instead.


Yellow eyes woke up late, but were already set on something.

Green reflected in the morning dew, and with a distracted grass gaze upon a book far too long for the diamond, Hyunjin had the perfect place to strike.

The jade didn't even see it coming; sunflower hair draping onto his shoulder and a firm ass placed rest over his beloved book.

Ah, so Hwang Hyunjin had made himself known.

Seungmin groaned, struggling to move the dainty arms wrapped around neck.

"Now, now, that's a little harsh. How 'bout a good morning kiss and I can drop off?" the diamond smiled, victory looming on his face.

The green gem was more annoyed than ever, yet a smiling moonstone made his mood change entirely.

"Hi hyungs! Are we having a good morning?" the sweet voice spoke.

"Yes! Now c'mere and gimmie some love Innie!" the yellow diamond whined, subsequently flopping off the jade to embrace the tall moonstone.

"Not so fast, where's mine first?" Seungmin spoke up, not in the mood to let the diamond have his way just yet.

"Here you big baby—" Hyunjin leaned in to pepper the green gem in his affection. Jeongin laughed before joining in, the two giving Seungmin plenty of affection, too much it seemed.

"Ah," the jade coughed, "isn't this a bit much? And don't we have something scheduled today?"

Jeongin responded, "yeah, but not for a while, so why don't we go get something to eat and snuggle?"

"Perfect thinking Innie," the diamond cooed, ruffling the gem's locks.


It wasn't long before Seungmin was dressed in an overly ruffed apron (per request of Hyunjin) and was preparing something for the three to snack on while they lazed around. Arms snaked around the jade's waist; Hyunjin was feeling touchy today. A bright smile covered Jeongin's face as he scrolled through his phone, happily listening to the banter of the older gems.

"Minnie~ do we really need this much fruit. Like, I know that Chan will probably come and eat half of it anyways, especially these strawberries, but seriously...?"

The jade sighed, "Jinnie, it's either this or you gorge into chips, so yes, eat the fruit. It's good for you."

Jeongin laughed at the two, yet he moved to assist Seungmin with washing the dishes. They left Hyunjin alone to greet the tired figure waddling into the kitchen.

Bright blue hair and a short frame wrapped in a blanket revealed the one and only, Han Jisung. He looked awfully tired, but Hyunjin couldn't help but notice the look on his face.

The yellow diamond excused himself and the turquoise to the bathroom, leaving wide concern to lace through his features.

As soon as they arrived, Hyunjin shut the door and decided to examine the boy.

It didn't take him long to notice the large lovebites on his fragile neck, but what was even more puzzling to the diamond: the peeling cracks revealing a dull grey gem underneath.


Sorry for the long wait. I hope you can enjoy a tad bit of a longer chapter and have a good day ! It snowed here for the first time in a bit so it was kinda magical :00
also the Halloween skz fits 🥺🥺🥺

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