lazy days

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[ • s t a r t • ]

The rest of the day would be simple for them.


Jisung knew that, but he still couldn't help but want to hide away and do nothing for a whole day. And so the blue gem decided that for once in his  life, he would forget about the rest of the world. He didn't want to be bothered with the struggle of his fragile body, and so, he didn't.

When they arrived home, Jisung let Minho carry him in, securely wrapping himself around the elder. It was a bit of the struggle getting from the car, to the couch, but the weak gem  knew the black diamond was more than capable of that much.

In fact, he didn't expect for the diamond to come back moments later in sweats and bringing a plethora of snacks.

"Ji, how bout you go change. Then we can snuggle and snack, mmh?"

The younger gem nodded, as he figured now would be the perfect time to check up on his healing cracks.

Jisung made his way to the bathroom after grabbing new clothes, specifically making sure he had a long sleeved shirt in hand. He shut the door behind him, making sure it was locked (at least he checked three different times) before he felt good enough to remove his shirt.

Much to his satisfaction, most of the cracks were beginning to heal up and there was barely any sign of the once ugly gash. Jisung began patching himself up to finish the job, only pulling on his oversized red hoodie (not technically his, he stole it from Changbin). He was in the middle of putting on his black sweatpants when a noisy Chan and Changbin pushed the door wide open.





Jisung, sweats half on stared quizzically at the two. "So you mean to tell me you were going to shower with Chan-hyung?"

Changbin almost fell over.

"N-no, he was trying to shower with me. I said no."

"Bin we both know that's not how this works."

This time the poor ruby did fall over. Thank goodness for strong sapphires.


Jisung had finally made it back to the couch. He couldn't believe Changbin would get so flustered just with simple banter like that, not to mention literally fall on Chan. Chan's reaction time was a blessing.

Walking into the living room, Jisung was greeted at the sight of some random show on, Minho stripped of his sweatshirt and curled beneath at least four blankets.

"Ah! There you are. Come here turquoise, let's cuddle."

Jisung puffed his cheeks out, completely flopping down beside the black diamond. He crawled under Minho's blankets, glad to find that the elder was still wearing a tank top underneath. He snuggled into the warmth, letting all other thoughts drift off into the fair day.

Jisung was about snuggled in when the black diamond decided he was too hot.

"You mind if I take this off," Minho gestured to his shirt, removing it without confirmation. The diamond settled back under the blankets, pressing bare skin around the young turquoise gem in his midst. Jisung was— without a doubt— a flustered mess. The boy haired boy was really embarrassed for the elder, who had no shame whatsoever. In fact, Minho only seemed to pull Jisung closer, insisting that they get under the blankets.

"What do you wanna watch Sung?"

Jisung sighed in his head, almost shaking it as he forced himself to stop overthinking things. Minho was only here now because he wouldn't be later.


"Uhhh, I dunno. Just put something on I guess."

"Tch, that's boring. Imma just pick a random channel."

And that was the story of how they ended up watching Food Network. Not that they were actually paying attention, rather, Minho seemed to be boredly typing away at his phone, Jisung picking at the bowl of fruits they had. The boy haired boy knew better than to just let the diamond ignore him, so he ignored the embarrassment he felt. Jisung inched over, burying himself right into Minho's bare side underneath all the fluffy blankets. He felt his face heat up, and proceeded to stuff it into the crook of the black diamond's neck.

The elder diamond didn't seem to mind at all, adjusting so that his turquoise could carefully place himself where he pleases.

"All set?"

Jisung popped his head up to glance at Minho, blue eyes shining brightly. Minho smiled and went to speak once more— but a leg being thrown around him and a face planted back in his neck made the gem shut up entirely. A muffled, "yeah I'm all good now," was the only response Minho got.

The elder decided to shift position slightly, wrapping his arms around the younger boy. The blue gem scent reminded the diamond of home, a peaceful feeling settling over the two boys. No further conversation was needed for them, just being in one another's presence was enough. It was tranquil days like this that made this busy lifestyle worth it.

It wasn't long until soft snores were heard from the small blue gem. Minho smiled to himself, carding his smooth fingers through lovely shining hair.


He was addicted to that color. And he knew it.

But he also was overheating.

Minho was often seen walking around naked, as the gem truly had no shame(much to the other gem's embarrassment). The diamond just preferred to let his precious skin and body be one with itself, without bothering for clothes.

So he was left in one hell of a predicament.

How was he— buried under the Han Jisung—to get off his stupid ass pants. Minho had a feeling Jisung would be mortified waking up to a practically naked diamond, but he honestly just didn't care. It had been a long week with ridiculous schedules both he and Jisung had to endure. Minho wondered how Jisung was holding up with everything.

The diamond continued to awkwardly shift and squirm underneath the turquoise, somehow managing to never wake the poor boy. Once he'd kicked off his pants, he moved Jisung back along with all the other blankets as well. It was honestly one hell of a miracle, but Minho didn't care: he nuzzled into Jisung's gem locks, taking in a deep whiff of smell he now thought of as home.


Minho himself was about to fall asleep when he heard a thump, followed by a cry and a sickening crack.


rawr my friend doodled some stuff for this and god she's so damn talented 🥺

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