the black diamond

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[ ⬲ s t a r t ⬲ ]


Minho was furious to say the least.

He had specifically told Hyunjin to stay away from Jisung, but when he peered over at the two, Hyunjin had placed himself like a snake would around its prey. The elder wanted to choke on air knowing the yellow diamond was only doing it to push his buttons. Minho was all the more upset as he saw the satisfied look on Hyunjin's face.

The feeling was only amplified as he saw Jisung push away from Hyunjin, stumbling away with glistening eyes. Minho's eyes narrowed as he stormed over to the yellow diamond a scowl forming. Although Hyunjin wanted to continue his games, he ultimately stopped, mored concerned with the gem the had just left.


A firm smack to the yellow diamond was all it took for him to quiet down and obey the elder.

"Now I'm going to fix this," Minho stated, deciding that Hyunjin had royally fucked up for the last time today. The yellow diamond nodded, he knew messing around with Minho wasn't a good idea at the expense of someone else, especially Jisung.

Minho followed the blue haired boy to stand beside him, plopping Jisung down on a couch, and placing himself next to the latter. Jisung seemed comfortable enough, so Minho placed an arm around the other. The turquoise gem turned, giving him a small, unsure smile. Minho just adored that smile, crooked teeth in all. There was just a certain quality of warmth that it brought with it.

The pair sat with a comfortable silence for the remainder of their time at the shoot location, Minho almost took a sigh of relief when everyone began packing up to head home.

Heading to the dressing rooms, Jisung started to sweat. The others would surely see his fractured arm if they continued, yet Jisung was missing out on some quality time with Minho. The past few weeks had been long and boring, with Jisung being called out for constant meetings, and Minho having opportunities popping up left and right. Not to say that it was a bad thing, but Jisung was feeling rather deprived of his Minho time.

Fighting off all thoughts, the blue haired boy made a sudden run for it, quickening his pace and reaching the room first, then darting off to the restroom for a more private spot.

Minho wasn't going to lie, it hurt seeing the turquoise gem run off like that. All day he'd been teased and played with, even when his chance came, he blew it. He wanted to go and chase after the younger, but he knew better than that. It was almost childish in a sense, and the black diamond decided to let Jisung come to him instead of seeking him out. He knew Jisung had run for a reason, and whatever it was, he clearly didn't want Minho to know.

Minho sighed again. Why couldn't Jisung just trust him? Or at least notice any efforts the elder made. The diamond frowned, fullwell knowing he'd have to try harder to get Jisung to trust him. He couldn't just expect the younger to throw himself at the elder after he'd been gone for days on end.

Walking into the dressing room, he noticed a certain ruby gawking at another figure in the room. Smiling to himself he made his way over to the shorter.

"Changbin, why don't you make it a little more obvious will ya?"

The ruby turned almost as red as his dark hair, when he spun around to meet the diamond's view.

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