"Bye, mister." I said to her before she walked back into the club. Mom and I stood in silence for a moment. "I'm sorry about Dad." I said softly.

"It's not your job to apologise for your father, Christa." Mom told me as she closed her eyes.

"I know."

"Man, today sucked." Mom exclaimed and I nodded my head in agreement.

"Guys are stupid. I'm thinking of becoming a lesbian." I told her, only half kidding but she laughed anyway.


I walked into the Yale cafeteria the next day in comfortable jeans and I throw on t-shirt and ugg boots. I also had on sunglasses because the sun was killing my eyes and I had my hangover to thank for that. I got a bowl of Froot Loops and was heading towards a vacant table so that I could sit by myself when I heard Paris call out to me.

"Christa! Come here!" Paris called out, ordering me over to the table where she and Rory were eating breakfast. I groaned but made my way over to them anyway.

"What, Paris?" I asked, irritably as I stood at the end of the table.

"Hey, Christa." Rory greeted me and I gave her a weak smile in response.

"We have related problems. A little love trouble." Paris told me and my interest in the conversation increased immensely.

"We?" I asked her with a smirk.

"Bend your ears?" Paris asked me and I shrugged.

"Uh, sure." I said as I sat down next to Rory. I slipped off my sunglasses and moaned when the light hurt my eyes.

"Fine, then I'll just lay out my situation." Paris stated and I nodded for her to continue while I ate my Froot Loops. "Okay, so I've got a guy."

"Doyle?" I asked with a knowingly smirk at her.

"Can it. Last time I saw him, he strongly implied that he was going to call me. And soon. It's been four days."

"You ever call him to hook up?" I asked her with a tilt of my head.

"He's always taken the reins."

"What did he say exactly? Call you later, or see you later?" I asked her seriously.

"Call. Or was it see?" Paris said to herself.

"Very different. Call's more descriptive. If he said 'call you later' and he didn't, it's an egregious 'screw you'." I explained to her and Rory, who was listening intently as well.

"I'm pretty sure it was see." Paris decided with a nod.

"Then I think you could cut him some slack. You like him, right?" I asked her.


"Then call him, but have a reason." I told her with a shrug as I took another mouthful of Froot Loops.

"We're on the paper together."

"Perfect. Call to ask for notes or something. But don't give him anything else. If he's into you, he'll take it from there. If he's not, at least you know, so you can dump him."

"Direct, simple. A clear path. Thank you." Paris said and I shrugged again and gave her a small smile.

"You're welcome." I said to her as I clutched my aching head in my hands. "I'm never drinking again." I muttered to myself. I looked over at Rory, who was glancing at me nervously like she does when she wants to ask me something. "So what's up with you and Logan?"

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