
781 18 1


(Third Person)


Rukia ran down the sodden path, as rain began to slowly drizzle from the darkening sky.

How cliche, she thought to herself.



Why do Renji and Ichigo have to like me. Why do both of my best friends have to confess their hopeless love for me on the same day. Why do both of them have to kiss me in the span of a hour.

The rain was pouring down even harder. The path beneath her was turning softer, more muddier as the water soaked into her clothing.

Rukia realized that she was crying. Her tears were mingling with the rainwater on her face.

It's just that...Love. Is useless.

It's an useless emotion.

Love, hate, jealousy...any kind of feelings...

Love...is just so useless.

None of them are necessary emotions for a soul reaper.

"They are burdensome Rukia Kuchiki," she said out loud softly.

She stopped her running, and looked up at the thundering gray sky.

Rain poured down on her face, torrents of water flowing down onto her, drenching her completely.

When I was kissing them...they were both so...different. But my reaction was the same...

My arms had minds of their own. Curling upwards around their necks...and I kissed both of them back...I can't deny that, however brief the encounter was.

Rukia touched her lips. She could still feel the imprint both of their kisses left on her.

What am I thinking.

She withdrew her hand.

I can't...I just can't love them.

Renji. Ichigo.

I can't...I'm afraid to love.

Rukia's breath caught in her lungs. She couldn't breathe.

She closed her eyes, and stood there out in the rain for a while, and then screamed, a long, raw, almost primal cry of despair and fear.

For the first time in her life, she was afraid. Not of some physical danger, but a mental struggle.

She had no idea.

Loving RukiaWhere stories live. Discover now