Meeting Up

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Yes, yes. I know that I haven't been posting Renji's view of the story, and it makes it look like it's obviously going to be Ichigo and Rukia only. Nope. Sigh...just wait a little bit into the story, Renji'll get his share ;3


(Ichigo's P.O.V.)



Could this turn out any worse?

I was planning to talk to Rukia, but then Renji intterupts. And then she comes into my room, with me half-dressed...

Color shot to my face.

That had to be THE most embarrassing...

Better forget that Ichigo.

All of this I was thinking when Rukia came and dragged me out of my house.

I wonder where we're going.

And she was bringing Renji. And who knows who else.

Well, probably no one else, but still...

So much for my alone time.

I exhaled, running my hand through my hair as I made my way down the street, following Rukia's lead.

"Hey, Ichigo! Look! It's the rest of the soul reapers!" Rukia exclaimed, pointing at a nearby bar while we were walking down the darkening streets.

I glanced over.

A bar.

With its bright neon lights advertising cheap alcohol, you could practically smell the scent of unwashed bodies mingling with the heavy odor of spirits. There was an open door, with a handwritten sign proclaiming its new happy hours for drinks.

I peered in.

Sure enough, most of the soul reapers from the Soul Society's thirteen court guard companies that were assigned to go to Karakura were gathered in that noisy, clamorous bar. And a good number of them were drunk.

"C'mon! Let's go say hi!"

Before I could object, Rukia hauled me over with surprising strength toward the entrance.

Oh god.

The first thing I noticed was the overwhelming, cloying smell of alcohol. I immediately felt dizzy and disoriented. Sake was never really my thing.

"Hey Rukiaa! Ichigoo!" Renji was here too apparently. Perfect. "You want some sake? It's happy hour! Man, things sure are cheap here in the living world," he drawled, slurring his words. He proffered a sake flask at me and Rukia.

"Erm, no thanks Renji. I don't drink," Rukia murmured apologetically.

"Yeah, me neither," I said.

"Aww, you all are missing out! Finee... suit yourselves..." Renji said thickly, taking another swig from his flask of sake.

I looked at Rukia. "Here? Really"

"Ichigo! What's wrong with meeting a few friends?" Let's go look for the others." She pouted and crossed her arms. "I'm sure the others will be happy to see us. And Renji's just being himself. Not like he doesn't drink."

"Fine then. I guess so..." I replied.

She was so cute when she had that expression on her face.

"Look! There's Tôshirô and Matsumoto!"


She then proceeded to pull me over to another section of the bar where an extremely drunk Matsumoto and a bored-looking Tôshirô were sitting.

"Oh. Look who's here. Rukia and Ichigo." Tôshirô mumbled, looking quite irritated.

"You don't drink?" Rukia questioned.

"Does it look like I would? How long have you known me...psh. But of course Matsumoto drags me over here. Of course..." He drifted off into space, with his eyes narrowed. "I'm just trying to zone out currently. Bars aren't my thing."

Heh. Same here Tôshirô.

"ARGHHHHH. Captainnn...ENJOY YOURSELF MORE. Yeahhh...Another round!" Matsumoto hiccuped.

Everyone cheered excitedly.

Except for me. Rukia. And Tôshirô.


Suddenly, a loud crash echoed through the bar, the sound even louder than the noise inside generated by the drinkers.

Not that anyone really noticed.

Except for me and Rukia.

What the heck...?

We pushed our way through the crowded room toward the source of the sound.

Renji had fallen out of his chair. Probably because of his excessive alcohol drinking.

"Oh god...Renji..." Rukia covered her mouth with her hand. "How is he going to get back for the night? I don't think he gonna wake up any sooner."

Renji was totally knocked out. Totally.

"Looks like us friends are going to have to chip in." She said to herself.


"Hey, Ichigo, help me with Renji. Lift his left side, I'll support the other side." Rukia was already hoisting Renji's arm over her small shoulder.


"Hurry up Ichigo! We're doing this as friends."

"Alright, alright." I did the same with Renji's other arm. "Let's go. He's staying over at that Hat-and-clogs place right?"

"Yup. Urahara's. Shouldn't be that far from here."

The walk there was rather awkward, since we had a drunk Renji slung over our shoulders. Good thing that there weren't that many people out and about during this time of the day. I wouldv'e died of embarrassment.

Soon enough, we arrived at the front door of Urahara Shoten, Hat-and-clogs place.

"Whew. I almost forgot how big Renji is." Rukia wiped her hand across her forehead. She looked exhausted.

I smiled to myself. That's Rukia. Always doing generous things for others.

"I think I'll just go inside with him,'kay Ichigo? Just to make sure he can actually make it to his room." She began to open the door and pull the snoring Renji along with her.

"Er...sure. You don't need anymore help?" I offered.

"No, no. It's fine. Just wait there. I'll go back to the clinic with you, I'll just be inside for a couple minutes." Rukia assured, then closed the door behind her.

Hn. I'll wait then.

I sat down. I was a little bit tired as well. All that walking, going to the bar, and carrying Renji back did make you feel a little sluggish.

Staring at the evening sky, I studied the stars.

Guess there's nothing else to do but to wait.

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