Strangers to Each Other

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(Rukia's P.O.V)


"Renji! You're here again!" I exclaimed happily.

I was truly excited that Renji was here again. I hadn't seen him since his last mission.

"Haha, yeah, it's definitely been a while," Renji said, laughing, a devilish toothy smile on his face, while his signature bright red hair waved slightly in the breeze.

"Oh, I'm here because some other soul reapers and I are gonna be crashing in Karakura until we defeat the Arrancars. I think I'll be staying at Urahara's for a little." he announced.

Oh really?

"Kisuke? He's a weirdo, be careful of him..." I smirked.

"Ha...but there are a few things I want to ask him about." Renji replied, a wry grin on his face.

I smiled. It was good to be back with my friend.

Ichigo cleared his throat.

Oh dear. I was so caught up with Renji and I had left Ichigo standing uncomfortably next to me. Poor Ichigo, gotta do something...

"Well, I'm still staying over at the Kurosaki Clinic with Ichigo." I said awkwardly, trying to give Ichigo an opening to join in on the conversation.

"Mhmm..." Ichigo mumbled.

Renji shifted his feet slightly.

Can you say...Awkward?

Ichigo. Renji. Come on...I feel so weird standing between my two best friends and having them feel like practical strangers.

Wait. They are friends already. What...?

Of course Ichigo had met Renji before, they've even fought together, trained together to save me. They were friends, they are friends. Why is he suddenly acting so strange in front of Renji right now?

Is Ichigo harboring some sort of animosity toward Renji because of something that has happened before? He was perfectly friendly with Renji before...or maybe it's something that Ichigo sensed just now.

Naw, I'm just over obsessing. It's probably just nothing.

Nothing. That's right, I though to myself.


I snapped back out of my train of thought, only to realize that no one was talking.



"Soo...Oh look! Gourmet rice dumplings in sweet bean paste! C'mon guys!" I exclaimed, trying to break the silence.

I then promptly dragged them both toward the food vendor's small booth.

I absolutely adore those yummy dumplings.

But still, I wondered, while paying for my order, why are they...?

The question lingered in my mind for the rest of the day.

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