Going Out

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(Rukia's P.O.V.)


I opened the door to the Kurosaki Clinic after a pleasant jog around Karakura.

I yawned. All that running had kinda gotten to me. I think I'll just take a shower and go to sleep early.

Climbing up the stairs toward the bedrooms, I decided to first make a stop at Ichigo's room for my dumplings that he was supposed to bring back for me.

I just can't resist an evening snack.

Knock knock.

"Ichigo? You in there?"


Knock knock.


"WAHH? Rukia?"

"I'll take that as a yes."

I opened his bedroom door and stepped in, only to be met with the sight of an Ichigo who was wearing only jeans. Nothing else.

Ichigo was apparently dressing after taking a shower, judging by his slightly wet hair and his half-dressed self.

I was completely shocked.

How many times do you get to see your best friend like this? You'd definitely be a little more than just weirded out. Definitely.

"Ahhhh, sorry Rukia...er...I'm kinda dressing right now? Oh god, um...shirt, shirt, shirt..." He reached over the side of his bed to look for his shirt while making a half-hearted attempt to cover himself up with the towel in his hand.

Wow. He actually looked pretty good right there...

I stood there speechless for a while, and, ahem, stared for just a little bit at his toned body.

Dammit. Rukia, you're not supposed to be staring at your friend's really hot body, I chided myself.

WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING. Delete image, delete image.

Ichigo surfaced with a wrinkled T-shirt and hurriedly pulled it over his head.

Whew. Thank god.

"Um, so Ichigo," I said, trying to get my mind off of that disturbing image I had conjured up in my mind, "Do you still have those dumplings on you?"

"Er, yeah I do. Here."

Ichigo leaned over and picked up a large bundle that was sitting next to his bed.

"Thank you!" I said happily. I walked over and sat on his bed, taking the package off of his hands.

"Eh, it was no problem..."

I ripped open the bag and took the lid off the container, quickly shoving a dumpling into my mouth.

Yum. I was really hungry actually.

"So, er, Rukia..." Ichigo asked.

"Hn?" I mumbled through my mouthful of food, swinging my legs over the side of his bed.

God. I must look like a fool right now.

I quickly swallowed.

"I was wondering if you'd like to go out for a little? I mean, I know it's a little late for hanging out outside, but it'll be fun..."

Outside? Sure...even though I was planning to go to bed early...

"Yeah, no problem Ichigo! Anyone else coming?"

Ichigo looked a little disappointed at my outburst...or was that just me?

"Umm...well...I don't really know who to invite or anything...I was kinda thinking we would just go..."

"Ha, how about Renji? He just got back, and we should hang out more often!" I suggested.


"Come on Ichigo! It'll be fun!" I said trying to convince him.

Ichigo narrowed his eyes at me.


I burst out laughing. I have no idea why, but his face just looked hilarious when he had that expression on his face.


"'Kay then, let's go get Renji." I said, reducing my laughter to a giggle. Smiling, I got off the bed and walked toward the door.

Ichigo followed suit, still looking a little bit reluctant, running a hand through his spiky orange hair.

Rukia... Are you sure this'll work out okay?

I pondered the thought.

Well, not exactly.

But Ichigo and Renji need a little bonding time together.

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