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Bakugo and I walk back to Hanagasaku; me to return to working, him to pick up his bouquet

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Bakugo and I walk back to Hanagasaku; me to return to working, him to pick up his bouquet. I stand behind the counter, he on the other side.

"I really don't know you that well," I say as I tie my apron around my neck. "You could be a creepy rapist, and I could've just walked right into your trap."

"Hah!" he snorts. "Like I'd go to that much trouble to rape someone. I'd just break into their houses and snatch them up in the middle of the night."

"Okaaaay... that's concerning that you've thought about it."

"Shit, I'm kidding. I'm not a rapist, I swear."

"Said every rapist ever."

"Goddamnit, you're so difficult to talk to. Just trust me."


"You wanna know about me? Okay, fine." He starts listing on his fingers, "I'm eighteen, I go to Keio University, I study psychology, and I work at Starbucks on the weekends."

"I didn't really picture you as a Starbucks type of guy." I smile, "You know, cause you look like you'd bite the head off anyone who tried to order something."

"Fuck you, I'm a perfectly nice staff member."

"Sure. So, psychology? That must be hard."

"Meh. What about you?"

"Oh, I don't go to uni. I work here full time."

"Okay. Oi, gimme your number." He pulls out his phone and slides it across the countertop to me.

I see that he's already set up a new contact file and labelled it 'Deku'. Pursing my lips in annoyance, I punch in my phone number.

I put his phone back on the countertop for him.

Handing him the large bouquet, I say, "Let me know how it goes with your boyfriend."

"You're my boyfriend now," he smirks, and I'm sure he'd make air quotes around the word if his arms weren't laden with flowers.

What have I gotten myself into with this guy? So far, he's done nothing but irritate me.

"Alright, then. I have to work. So, see you later."

"See ya, Deku." He saunters out of the shop and I glare daggers at his back.

About a minute later, I glance down at the countertop and see that he has left his Samsung Galaxy behind. Crap!

I grab the phone and run out of the store. I see him walking a few stores down.

"Kacchan! Your phone!"

He turns around at my shouting.

I dash over to him, panting. "H-here," I puff, holding out the phone.

He shifts the bouquet to his hip and takes the phone, sliding it into the front pocket of his shredded black jeans. "What did you call me just then?"

"Huh? Oh!" I feel my face heat up. "Um, K-kacchan... because it means the same thing as your last name? Sorry, it just sorta slipped out!" I apologise.

Something unreadable passes across his face. He scrunches up his nose. "Nah, I don't mind. It's cute."

My heart shouldn't be beating this fast right now. Maybe it's from running after him? That must be it. "A-alright."

We stand across from each other awkwardly for a few beats.

Then he says, "Right, I'm gonna go. Thanks for saving my phone."

"No problem. Bye." As an after-thought, I add, "Kacchan."

"Yeah, Deku, see ya." He walks off.

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