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 Kacchan looks me in the eye, tilting his head so his lips are just centimeters away from mine

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 Kacchan looks me in the eye, tilting his head so his lips are just centimeters away from mine.

"Stupid Deku... you've gone and messed everything up," he growls sexily. "I was supposed to be dating you to get back at Kirishima, but now..." A seductive smirk dances over his lips. "I can't stop thinking about you."

He crashes his mouth onto mine and wastes no time sliding his tongue between my lips, causing me to moan. I reach up and tangle my fingers through his shock of hair... it feels so real, so tangible, until—

Beep! Beep! Beep!

My alarm clock shocks me out of my dream. "Dang it, why did you have to wake me up?!" I demand of the clock. Its digital numbers blink back at me, unapologetic.

My stomach lurches, and I throw back the bedcovers quickly, bolting out of my bed and stumbling over to my bathroom. I throw open the door and collapse to my knees on the tiled floor, leaning over the toilet bowl as a sickening wave of nausea washes over me. I retch, and bile comes up, studded with orange flower petals and mingling with streaks of blood.

Brrrring! Brrrring!

I lift my head from the toilet bowl and groan loudly. Could a phone call come at any worse a time?

I drag myself over to my bedside table and pick up the ringing device. "Hello," I say weakly.

"Hey, Deku."

I hold the phone as far away from my ear as I can and let out another long-suffering groan. Let me die in peace, Kacchan.

"Did you just groan at me calling you?" his voice floats through the air.

I bring the phone back to my ear and lay back on the carpeted floor of my room. "No, sorry. I just woke up like five minutes ago and I threw up."

"What the fuck? Morning sickness? Are you pregnant?"

"Kacchan, I can't—"


"KACCHAN!" I shout down the line. "This isn't some omega-verse fan fiction! How would you even get me pregnant?!"

I hear him exhale. "You're right, that was stupid. Sorry, I just... haven't been thinking clearly lately. There's some... stuff I've been... anyway. Are you okay now?"

No, I'm vomiting flowers because I had a really hot dream about you. "Yeah, I'm fine. I think some of the donburi I reheated for dinner last night might've been a bit expired," I lie. "So, why are you calling?"

"Right, so it's about the party tonight. I feel like I should warn you, so you're prepared..."

I stare up at the ceiling. "Okay..."

Nothing can shock me anymore, I am a master of calm. Everything is minor and inconsequential compared to my hanahaki disease.

"So this party is actually a rave, and—"

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