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My number one rule is Do Not Panic

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My number one rule is Do Not Panic.

And that rule just went out the window.

I slam my laptop shut and let out an inhuman screech. What the heck what the heck what the heck????

Tentatively, I pry my laptop open again. The offending website stares back at me.

I slap both hands to my cheeks. It stings, proving to me that I'm not dreaming and that this is, in fact, happening.

"I'm going to die!" I wail to my bedroom walls.

Okay, Izuku, get a grip.

I pull out my phone and open Instagram, because what better way to avoid my problems than looking at memes?

Except, the first thing I see is the photo I posted of Kacchan and me on my feed.

And then I'm coughing again, doubling over in my seat and wheezing. I clamp my hand over my mouth to catch the blood-stained petals that float out of my lips.

I stare at the petals in my hand. I clamp my fist shut and crush them in between my fingers.



I must have fallen asleep last night, because the next thing I know, I'm waking up to sunlight streaming in through the slats of my shutters.

I dare to hope that yesterday was just a dream.

But looking down at my hands reveals the crushed flower petals still in my grip.

I groan aloud.

Damn, is this really my fate?

I check my phone to see a message from Kacchan.


Come over to my dorm today and we can hang out.

I sputter as I read the message, more flower petals escaping my lips and drifting onto the floor.

Oh, Kacchan. You have no idea what you're doing to me.

Sure :)

Maybe I can make him like me back. Maybe I won't die of this one-sided love.


My sorry self doesn't own a car, so I catch the bus over to Keio University.

The campus is huge, and it takes me more wrong turns than I'd like to admit before I find his residence hall.

He texted me that his dorm was number 812 on level four, so I take the elevator up to that floor and make my way down the hall, eyes glancing over the number plates until I find his.

I open the door to reveal a cramped room with two beds. One is obviously Kaminari's — I can tell by the messy, rumpled sheets and tangled charger cords all over it.

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