Rulers of this Kingdom

Bắt đầu từ đầu

As an answer, he rubs my head, causing my hair to get even more unruly than it usually is. It's true, I missed him, every little piece of him, even his shitty attitude.

I follow him to Erwin's office, because that is obviously where we are headed. When we arrive, he turns to me and tangles his fingers in my hair to try and make it a little more presentable. He buttons up my shirt and glares at me with angry eyes when he notices a stain on my shirt, right beside my collar bone. He raises an eyebrow.

"What did you expect, I've been staying with you for the past 5 weeks. Laundry wasn't really my main concern."

"Tch." He grins as his head rolls from one side to the other in desperation.

He knocks at the door.


"Erwin it's Levi. And Eren."

"Come in." Erwin says.

The commander is sitting at a large desk where piles of papers and plans sit untouched. The bed is unmade and Levi shakes his head again. Erwin glances at me and I can see he's putting on a straight face for Levi but he doesn't like me more than he used to.

"So..." Erwin says. "We have a problem."

"Is that so?" Levi asks.

The commander nods before getting up and pulling another chair so that we can both sit, Levi and I. I sit, dreading whatever "the problem" is.

"It appears that Eren and you have done something illegal."

"I already know about his age and so does he about mine, so who cares? You're going to report us, Erwin?"

"I have no such plans. The real problem here is that you have a relationship with one of your subordinates, which is considered unacceptable. Therefore, we might have to transfer him to someone else's command. Say mine or Hanji's."

I stand up, ready to leave. No way in hell that Erwin is going to be my captain even though that would imply having my own squad. Suddenly I'm confused. He'd promote me? Levi grabs my wrist and pulls me back down to sit.

"This is not going to happen Erwin." Levi says.

"It'll have to. It puts your comrades at risk because the two of you are in the same team and are involved in a romantic relationship. You guys can't go rogue at the wrong moment, it would put plenty of people's lives at stake."

"Who's to say I wouldn't run to Eren either way, as his captain or not?" Levi asks.

"You have a point." Erwin says.

I grin and Erwin's palm twitches. He really hates me.

"What about Petra?" Levi asks. "I was her Captain even though she had feelings for me."

"Nothing happened between you and Petra and so it didn't matter."

Levi scoffs and that's when I take my chance even though I know it might end up in me getting beat up again.

"What about you and Levi, Commander?"

He glares at me. In a way that sends shivers down my spine.

"I'm Commander of the survey corps Eren. The only other choice Levi had was to go back to the underground or go to the MPs. Since nobody saw that and nobody knew that, nothing had to be done either."

"Well nobody officially knows about us. I retort."

"I can name a few that do." Erwin clarifies.

"And they will all know." Levi adds.

We both turn to him but Levi looks strictly at me.

"What? I keep my promises Brat."

He winks. Levi fucking winks and I'll never get used to that. He entangles his fingers with mine and I smirk. They need us far more than we need them. We are the ones setting up the rules here I think.

"Fine, if that is what you want..." Erwin starts. "Do not blame me if you do end up getting reported though. I won't be able to do anything at that point."

We both nod in agreement as Erwin searches his desk for papers.

"Here is a list of the people who know about you two. Now, I think that the best way to tell all of them would be to do some sort of gathering outside and just speak the words out loud."

A gathering? Oh my god, there's a difference between making it official and showing it off in such a masquerade. But wait...... Oh I see. My cheeks flush crimson red as I realize that he is actually trying to humiliate us. I hate the men even more by the second. When is he fucking going to get it? Wasn't Levi clear enough? Or is it vengeance he wants.

"No." Levi says.

"Excuse me?" Erwin scoffs.

"I said no. It is breakfast right now, isn't it? Therefore everyone is gathered in the kitchen already. Let's do this now. No fluff, we'll just act normally. We'll hold hands, we'll kiss. Same as we usually do in private. No need for a humiliating speech. No need to try and bring down Eren. You very well know that if he goes down, I'm going with him. You also very well know that I won't put up for long with your shit Erwin. Get it the fuck together if you want us both, humanity's greatest soldiers, to save your arses many more times in the future. Am I being clear enough this time?"

Erwin opens his mouth and closes it again, unable to speak or searching for words. Levi pulls me up and out of the room. When the door closes behind us on Erwin's shocked face, Levi places his palm on one of my red cheeks.

"It will all be fine." He promises.

"But what if..."

"No what ifs. It'll be fine. If it isn't, you'll still have me and we have a lot of options here. They need us. They need us together. Humanity's strongest and Humanity's last hope. We are the rulers of this kingdom my little Brat and I intend on ruling it my own fucking way."


(A/N): Yes yes...short and sweet but I'm about to write some intense Mikasa, Jean, Armin drama so be prepared for the next chapter ;)

But since we're going to die hereNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ