Chapter 17: Giving away heat

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       Smut chapter!! Detailed smut, so please if you don't want to read this chapter, then you can go to the next one.

(Alastor's POV)

(As I waited for Charlie, my stomach was giving me pain again, but I tried hold in the pain. 'Charlie, I can't wait to hear you moan my name as I pound you with my member. Charlie, I can't wait to feel you.' I thought as I waited for her, but I didn't even know why I was thinking of those type of thoughts. 'I get it that I'm in heat but I can't be thinking about that.' I thought as hours passed by.)

(Third person)

(Charlie went to their room to see me, when got to her room, she saw Alastor looking at her.)

Alastor: Charlie, I'm in heat.

Charlie: what?

Alastor: Charlie, it's deer mating season and so, I'm affect by it because I'm part deer now.

Charlie: what does that have to with me...oh, shit. I'm your girlfriend, which is like a mate deer language, right?

Alastor: yes Charlie, you're right.

   (Alastor said as he began to undress her, she had to get into night clothes anyway. Alastor slightly pushed Charlie on the edge of the bed. He stopped undressing until he got to her underwear pieces. He chuckled at her, Charlie began to take off his bow tie, jacket, and shirt, then gave him a smirk. Alastor looked over at her, and was sparkles, glitter and lights.)

(In his eyes, she looked extraordinary. He pressed down his part harder on her. She looked like the most beautiful woman in the whole universe to him.)

Alastor:'s already starting.

    (Alastor said as he started to slightly bite, kiss, nibble and lick on her neck as his crock was rubbing against where her opening was. He let her go of her neck, Then Charlie laidback on the bed, removing her underwear.)

(Alastor was taking off his pants, then underwear, as he was moving towards her. His smile grew wider when he came close to Charlie's entrance, but before he could stick his member into her, Charlie clear her throat and held out a rubber pack in front of him, then opened it.)

Alastor: Ah yes, I forgot.

(She let Alastor put on the rubber, but he didn't for some reason. 'I'm sorry Charlie, but I don't think I have time put this on now.' Alastor thought as he placed the same sound proof spell that he did back at the Mange castle, then placed he began to place his part into her. Charlie held on his hair and began to moan loudly as the tip of him was in, then he began to move the rest of him into Charlie.)

Charlie: oh shit. Alastor, I don't think it's all going to fit. It's too giant now.

Alastor: Charlie I'm sure, I can still fit through. Please make yourself deeper for me.

(Alastor said as he was pushing himself deeper into her. 'Oh fuck. Charlie, I think you might be right. Although it feels so good, so much to dig myself into you.' He thought as he closed his eyes for a bit, then opened them as he used his eyes to look up at the clinging, Alastor's tongue stuck out as he looked up. Alastor began to move inside her. Charlie moaned as he placed himself into her.)

Both: Yes!

Charlie: oh, Alastor. You're stretching me out. Please go gently, you just so giant now.

Alastor: I'm sorry my darling doe, but I can't help it. Your insides are sucking me in.

    (Alastor said as he was moving into her and continued to move that way even though, he could barely squeeze through. He still had his tongue out and looking up. Suddenly Charlie didn't want him to move slowly now, since she had already gotten used to him. Charlie began to moan something into his ears.)

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