Is That A Yes Or No?

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Author's Note: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please let me know what you all thought and I hope you continue to enjoy this story because this story is far from over as I have a whole lot more ideas that I'm excited to do.

  "Ugh look what you did Sarah!" April screamed out as she was frustrated and stressed and she just wanted to blame someone else. Sarah just got angry and betrayed as she looked at April. She couldn't believe April was really trying to blame her right now.

    "Are you serious! You're blaming me! It's not my fault you decided to hide things from everyone! I thought you changed, but you clearly didn't! Good luck explaining to a four year old how you've known who her father is and let her live with him without her knowing!" Sarah screamed out as she slammed the door and left in frustration and anger.

     April wanted to go after Sarah, but she knew Sarah was right. It was her fault. The truth was she should have told Mal and Mal had every right to know, but for some reason April didn't like the thought of Mal knowing.

      It probably had to do with the fact that she didn't like the constant reminder that she had a half sister that she never knew about and that not only did she not know about her, but she didn't know what horrible things her mom had done to her.

       She would rather pretend like Mal wasn't her half sister and that her dad wasn't her actual father. It also made things harder because now she has to deal with the constant fear that her father would want custody.

         He is her biological father and technically has more rights than she does, but Mal was already her and Nick's. The both of them had quickly fallen into the parenting role with Mal and if her dad ever suddenly decided he wanted custody April would probably just die.

       "Mal! I can explain!" April screamed out when she pushed her thoughts away and looked at the little girl as she could see the hurt and betrayed look that Mal was giving her and it was just making her feel so guilty.

      "NO! I twuswed you Mi. Apwil! How you no tew me who my daddy is!" The small four year old screamed out making April hold back tears as she tried to pull the small girl close to her but she pulled away.

     "Mal please don't do this!" April told the small girl who just started crying. "I wanna know who my daddy is!" The small four year old screamed out, making April sigh. "Okay fine! Mal my dad is your dad too," April told the small girl making her look at her in confusion.

      "Bu how ca he be you daddy an my daddy! Why  you no tew me dat he my daddy!" The small girl asked April, making her sigh as she knew she was being selfish right now.

      "Mal come here," April told the small girl as she sat down with her on the couch and took a deep breath. "Mal it's true. My dad is your dad too, but we have different moms. Do you know what that means Mal," April asked the small girl who shook her head no.

      April just laughed a little as she looked at the adorable little girl. "Okay well that means that we are half sisters," April told the small girl, making her laugh. "You siwy!" The young four year old screamed out making April laugh as she realized Mal didn't understand what she was saying.

      "It means we have the same dad, but we have different moms, so we are half sisters," April told the small girl who nodded even though she still didn't understand. "So you my sisew," the small girl asked April, making her hesitantly nod as she knew it was technically true, but for some reason she didn't like the way Mal called her sister.

       The small girl just smiled after that as she hugged April shocking April as Mal had been mad at her just a few minutes ago and now she was smiling and hugging April tightly. "Okay what's happening," April asked the small girl in confusion making the girl laugh.

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