Is She Going To Be Okay?

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As soon as the four year old took off running April dropped the phone as she took off running in the same direction Mal had taken off in. Mal was tiny there was no way the small girl could run that fast

    "Mal! Oh come on where did she go! Mal! Mal!" April screamed out in panic and April's screaming got the attention of Sarah who was worried after her older brother came home looking very upset, but wouldn't tell her why.

     "April what's going on," Sarah asked the older girl causing April to look at Sarah in shock as Sarah was supposed to be at home. "Sarah why are you not at home. It's late," April told the girl who just rolled her eyes. "Why are you screaming for Mal," Sarah asked April who just sighed.

      "Sarah please I can't deal with this right now. I have to find Mal like now. Do you have any clue where Mal would go," April asked Sarah as she was desperate. Sarah just looked at April as she didn't understand what was going on, but April looked desperate and worried which was concerning.

       "Yeah Michelle and Mal play together all the time. Mal loves the park have you checked there?" Sarah asked April who gasped as she totally forgot about the park and she just quickly took off running without even saying anything to Sarah.

         April sighed in relief when she found the small purple haired girl sitting on the merry go round and clinging to her old ratty toy. "Mal! There you are," April called out and the small girl looked up and immediately froze when she saw April as she tried to run again, but April stopped her.

        "Wet go! Wet go! Wet go! Sop! Wet go! Mi Apwil! Wet go! Pwease wet go me!" The small girl screamed out as she began to cry and thrash as she started having trouble breathing causing April to panic.

      "Mal! Mal! Mal! Calm down! You have to calm down! I want to help you! I promise Mal I'm not here to hurt you! Please calm down," April rambled out when she could see that Mal was still struggling to breath.

       Mal just continued to cry and thrash as she finally managed to get away and took off running again, but she was in so much pain, it was hard to breathe, and she felt everything start to spin as she fell into darkness and hit the ground.

        April immediately took off running to where she saw the girl fall as she quickly checked for a pulse and sighed in relief when she found one as she quickly started calling 911. "April it's going to be okay. She's going to be fine," Nick told April as they were at the hospital waiting for news on Mal as she had quickly called Nick after it happened and he immediately came to support her as April refused to leave until she knew Mal would be okay.

        "How do you know that! She's just so young! I don't get it! How can her mom do this to her!" April rambled out as she continued to pace back and forth in the hospital waiting room. Finally after another 30 minutes someone came out and April immediately stopped pacing as she ran over to the doctor.

        "Is she going to be okay," April asked the doctor in panic and he sighed as he looked at her. "Are you family," the doctor asked April who sighed. "No, but I called 911 and I'm the only one here right now. Please I need to know if she's okay. She's one of my students," April rambled out and the doctor just sighed as he knew he wasn't supposed to do this, but April seemed desperate and he didn't want Mal to be alone.

        "She's going to be fine. However she is severely underweight and extremely dehydrated. She also has a lot of injuries both internal and external, but we have taken care of both and we have put her on IV with fluids and nutrients. She will most likely need to stay here for a while as she recovers and we are very concerned about how she has gotten these injuries. We have asked her and she told us that she fell. Now we are very certain that it was child abuse, but we can't get her to admit it," the doctor told April who just slowly nodded as she was trying to take in all the information.

         "Can I see her?" April asked the doctor who just sighed. "What's your name," the doctor asked April. "April Dibrina," April told the doctor who smiled a little. "Yes you can see her. She has actually been asking for you," the doctor told April as he led her to Mal's room.

           As soon as April entered the room the small four year old that was sitting on the bed and watching Tv smiled. "Mi Apwil! Hi Mi Apwil!" The small girl screamed out as she entered the room. " Mal, are you okay? You really scared me today," April told the girl who just laughed.

          "Yeah I otay Mi Apwil! Ooh wook wa dey ga me! Id a new oy! Id a dwagin id pupwel! I lob id so mu! An dey hab a tb! Ooh an dey gib me Aw da foo da I wan! I wob id hew! Id so mu bewew dan my how!" The small girl screamed out excitedly making April's eyes fill with tears again that she quickly wiped away.

           She couldn't believe how horrible Mal was being treated that a hospital was better than her own home. "I um see that Mal. So if you're okay then I should probably go home. It's late and I just wanted to make sure that you were okay because when I saw you collapse like that it scared me so much," April told the small girl as she started to get up, but Mal quickly reached up as she grabbed April's arm.

          "Mi Apwil I sowy I ge ma at you. Ca you pwease say wif me. I no wanna be awone. Pwease no weave me awone Mi Apwil. Id weawy sawy Aw awone an I scaw of da docors an nuses," the small girl cried out, making April not be able to resist as she just nodded and sat down on a chair close to Mal's bed making the small girl smile.

            "Dank you Mi Apwil!" The young girl told April who just smiled a little. "No problem Mal. I don't think I would feel comfortable leaving you by yourself either," April told the small girl who nodded as she started to drift off, but just as she did she looked at April.

              "Mi Apwil you weawy nice. I wis you my mommy," the small girl told April as she drifted off to sleep leaving April in shock as Mal had just said she wanted her to be her mom. Just as April was trying to process what was happening the door barged open and a clearly trashed lady came in and smirked.

            "Oh where is my darling baby girl! Oh there she is! Mal get up mommy is here!" Maleficent slurred out and April immediately filled with anger and protectiveness as she knew who this lady was; it was Mal's mom.

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