The Start Of A Better Life

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"What! You better explain now!" April screamed out after she took Mal to bed and came back out not wanting Mal to hear any of it as she couldn't believe what she was hearing.  

       "Okay, it was about five years ago. You had just left to go make your big broadway debut and I was feeling lonely and upset, so I went out and I got a little drunk. There was this woman there named Maleficent Faere she was a very intimidating woman and her husband had just left her claiming she wasn't the easiest to get along with. She was drunk and upset too. One thing led to another and well you know. I never saw her again after that," April's dad told her and Nick making them just stare at him in shock as April began to feel even more horrible at the possibility of having a half sister she never even knew about.

        "So you're telling me there is a possibility that the little girl that was just abused by her mom and who spent four years of her life being treated that way could possibly be your daughter and my half sister!" April screamed out as she was angry at her dad.

        "I didn't even know Maleficent was pregnant; she never even told me. Like I said that was the last time I ever saw her or heard from her, but the timing matches," April's dad told her, making April upset still.

        "Well I want you to take a paternity test! I want to know if Mal is my half sister or not! I can't believe you! If those tests come back and you're her father I am never speaking to you again," April told her dad as she was upset.

         "April honey don't be like that. I don't even know if I am the father she could very much be the ex husband's daughter," Frank told April who just rolled her eyes. "Whatever I need to know if she's your daughter or not it will make this process easier on us if she is and by the way we already agreed to adopt her, so if she is your daughter that isn't changing," April told her dad who sighed as he felt horrible and guilty and he didn't even know if Mal was his daughter or not.

                     "Of course I am definitely not at the age to be raising another child. She's all yours, so how do we even do this," April's dad asked her and Nick who just sighed as they went to get Mal.

                      "Mi Apwil why I ha pu dat fingy in my mof yeseway," the small four year old asked April who sighed as she didn't want to tell Mal about the possibility of knowing her dad until they at least knew for sure.

                      "Because it's complicated. I'll tell you later. So this is your preschool," April asked the little girl as she looked at the very cheap looking school. "Yeah!" The small four year old told April as they made it inside Mal's preschool and April was already feeling uneasy by the school. As soon as they got to the school Mal let go of April's hand as she took off running and sat down by some kids.

                        Just as April was leaving the teacher noticed her as she smiled. "Oh, so you're Mal's mom. I was wondering if you would ever make an appearance. Usually Mal just comes here by herself," the teacher told April making her feel uneasy as the other moms were all staring at her now with judgemental looks.

"You know it's so nice meeting the mother of our most um... special child," the teacher told April making April look at the teacher in offense as she could tell that wasn't a compliment for Mal at all.

"What are you saying," April asked the teacher as she knew exactly what that teacher was saying but wanted to hear her say it out loud.

"Just that Mal is very um... how do I say this but have you ever had her tested for any learning disabilities? And maybe you should think about looking into speech therapy. She's 4 and still acts like a 2 year old. I'm not trying to be mean. She's an adorable little girl but I'm just a concerned teacher," the preschool teacher told April as if what she just said wasn't offensive at all making April get defensive.

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