Passing Time While Stuck In A Hospital

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Author's Note: I don't really know Nick's last name because I don't think they ever really mentioned his last name and I can't find anything online either, so I just picked a random last name, so his last name is going to be Miller in this since I needed him to have a last name for this chapter. Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter and please let me know what you all thought.

    "Mal! Hey Mal it's okay. It's okay," Nick called out to the small girl as she opened her eyes and immediately started sobbing as she had another nightmare getting the attention of April who woke up as she looked around in confusion before remembering where she was.

     "What's wrong with Mal," April asked Nick who just gave her a look of "I don't know'' as he continued to try and calm down the sobbing little girl. "Mal hey sweetie what's wrong," April asked the small girl in her most gentle voice causing the little girl to look up at her as she released herself from Nick and clung onto April as she continued to sob. "I ha a scawy dweam," the small girl cried out as she continued to cling to April and cry.

      "Aw Mal it's okay. Shh you're safe it's okay tiny," April told the young girl as she ran her fingers through Mal's purple hair in comfort causing the little girl to start calming down as her sobs downgraded to silent tears until she ended up crying herself back to sleep.

       April and Nick both just started crying as their hearts were breaking so much just seeing their baby girl in so much suffering and they couldn't do much to help her which was just killing them as they just wanted to take all her suffering away.

          Maleficent had caused her baby's pain and suffering and she was the reason Mal had cried herself to sleep. It made April fill with so much rage the more and more she thought about what that evil psychopath had done. 

       April had absolutely no remorse for that monster. She was not Mal's mother, she was just Mal's creator, but Mal belonged to April and Nick. She had always been theirs. Nick just sighed as he watched the way April was looking at Mal as she was just running her fingers through the sleeping girl's hair. 

        He could tell she was deep in thought as she wouldn't take her eyes off the sleeping little girl. "Ape are you okay," Nick asked April who immediately snapped out of her trance as she looked at Nick.

       "I hate that monster that did this to her. I hope she dies a slow and painful death. She deserves it for what she did to such an adorable, innocent, sweet little baby who has never done anything except spread love and happiness," April told Nick as she knew it was wrong to wish death upon people, but she didn't care.

        Nick nodded in agreement as he didn't agree to wishing death upon people, but seeing how broken his little girl looked he couldn't help, but completely agree with April. Mal didn't deserve what that monster did to her and that monster deserved to suffer as well for what she did.

       "I know April me too, but let's not focus on that. She's gone now. We're here now and we're not going anywhere," Nick told April as he sat by her and pulled her close in comfort making April laugh as she nodded.

       "Yeah you're right. You always know how to make things better. That's why I love you so much," April told Nick causing him to blush a little as he laughed. "Of course and I love you too! I can't wait to make it official in marriage," Nick told April making her laugh as she nodded.

        "Me too! And I can't wait for you to become Nick Dibrina," April playfully told Nick, making him laugh as he looked at his fiance. "Dibrina?" Nick asked April, making her laugh as she nodded again.

        "Of course you didn't actually think I would take your last name did you," April playfully told Nick causing them both to start laughing as they fell back into their playful bantering again. "Well I was kind of hoping," Nick playfully told April back, making her laugh as she ruffled his hair.

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