A Pretty Bad Night

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Mal sighed as she sat in her new bed trying to sleep, but she was afraid to. She was afraid that this was all just a dream and that if she went to sleep it would all be over and she would be stuck with her mean mommy again.

     It had been a few weeks since she had been taken away from her mommy and was now living with April. It all seemed like a dream and she didn't want to wake up from it. Mal tried to fight her sleep, but a few seconds later she felt her eyes close as she quickly drifted off to sleep. Mal quickly regretted it when her mind immediately filled with old memories of what her mommy had done to her.

Mal's Nightmare

   Mal is sitting down and coloring on an old piece of paper that she managed to get a hold of. "Mal Bertha Faere! Get up right now! Your stupid preschool teacher called again! You are so stupid! How hard is it to learn the alphabet! I knew I should have gotten rid of you when I had the chance! You are such a disappointment! You can't even do something that literal babies can do!" Maleficent screamed out in anger making the small girl freeze up in fear.

     "Mommy I no me to! I twying, I pomise!" The small girl told Maleficent making her more angry. "You are so weak and annoying! All you ever do is cry! Now get up now!" Maleficent screamed out and the small girl hesitated to get up causing Maleficent to lose it as she slapped the small girl.

    "I said get up now! You ungrateful little brat!" Maleficent screamed out as she began to beat the small girl.

Back In Reality

     "No! Sop! Dat huws! Dat huws! Mommy pwease sop! Pwease I sowy! I sowy mommy! I be smawer! I pomise! Pwease sop!" The small four year old cried out as she thrashed around in her bed.

       April groaned as she was trying to sleep, but she kept hearing noises. April was about to just ignore it when she realized where the noises were coming from as she quickly got out of bed and ran towards Mal's room.

        April immediately filled with so much sadness when she saw the small four old thrashing around and crying out. It was like a knife to the heart hearing her half sister in so much distress and begging for her own mom to stop hurting her.

         Her mom was still hurting her even when she was locked away. It was just so horrible. April immediately walked to Mal's bed as she very gently brought the small girl close to her.      

   "Mal hey it's okay. She's gone. She's not here. You're safe. I promise. Please wake up Mal," April told the small girl and sighed in relief when the small girl opened her eyes and immediately clung onto April.

          "Mi Apwil id so sary! Why mommy ha me so mu! I no do anyfing ba to hew," Mal cried out making April feel even more horrible. "I know Mal. Sometimes people are just horrible, but it's not your fault. Your mommy doesn't deserve you. What she did to you is just so wrong," April told the small girl who nodded, but started crying more.

         "Mi Apwil I no feew goow! My tummy huws an I feew si," the small girl cried out as she quickly put her hands over her mouth to try and stop herself from throwing up as she quickly tried to get up, but ended up not being able to control herself as she threw up causing her to start crying more.

          "I sowy! I sowy! I sowy! I no me to! I cwean it! I cwean it! Pwease no ma!" The small girl cried out as she tried to clean up the throw up in panic while still feeling horrible and sick. April just watched the girl in shock as she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

           April quickly snapped out of it as she helped the four year old up and brought her to the bathroom to get her cleaned up, but as soon as she tried to get Mal out of her throw up covered clothes the small girl began to panic.

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