Black Forest

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The Hog’s Head was filled with students that night as Maggie, Serena, Olivia, Adrian and Oliver walked through the doors. They found themselves a spot at the bar and were extremely shocked when someone they know sat down next to them.

“JADE!” screamed Maggie as she tackled her with a hug. Jade looked phenomenal like usual. She had her dark hair up in a fashionable bun and was wearing a short red dress and black heels. She always knew how to sex it up. “What are you doing here?”

“I figured you three would be here tonight so I took the night off work and decided to see you,” she said with a smile.

“Come here you,” said Serena as she pulled Jade into a hug. “So how’s the real world treating you?”

“It’s rough,” said Jade. “I don’t usually have time to do things like this anymore. This place still is a dump isn’t it?”

“My turn!” yelled Olivia as she followed suit and gave her a hug. “How is it possible that you look even more gorgeous than I remember?”

“Oh stop,” she said. “You three are the ones that look gorgeous. Serena, are you wearing a dress?”

“It’s a skirt,” protested Serena. “But yes, I’m not wearing sweatpants.”

“So where are you living now?” asked Maggie.

“I’ve got a flat in London,” she said. “It’s expensive, but it’s close to work. I hope to move to Italy soon though. There’s an endangered Unicorn assignment that the Ministry is working on. We have to get approval from their Ministry before acting though. It might not be for a couple more years.”

“That’s amazing,” said Maggie. “I hope to do what you’re doing when I leave Hogwarts.”

“I’ll put in a good word for you,” said Jade. “What about you Miss Brainiac? What’s your plans after graduation?”

Olivia began telling Jade her issues and Serena turned to Oliver who was already on his second Firewhiskey.

“Whoa dear, slow down,” she said with a smile.

“Sorry. I’m terribly stressed.”

“You’re stressed? Quidditch is over,” she joked.

“These NEWTs are kicking my arse,” he said. “My parents wanted me to take as many classes as possible but all of that pressure is causing me not to do so well. I hope I’ll be able to graduate.”

“I’m sure you’ll do fine, love,” she said.

“I hope your right,” he said.

“Just know you’re not alone in this,” she said. “Everyone is stressed.”

Serena was about to order when something caught her eye. She looked out the window and once again she saw the big black dog that had haunted her dreams for so many nights. She almost thought she was dreaming again until the dog turned and looked her right in the eyes. She suddenly had the urge to follow him. She sprinted from the table and left everyone else extremely confused.
            “Is she okay?” asked Maggie to Oliver. Oliver had no time to answer before he was running out the door after her.

Serena was quick and sprinted right into the Forbidden Forest where the dog ran. She was not as fast as the dog so she had much trouble keeping up. Oliver had even more trouble keeping up with her.

“Stop!” yelled Serena after the dog, but he continued running. She kept thinking about what her father would say about putting herself in danger like this. She thanked the Lord that she worse flats. It was hard enough running after him in a skirt.

Chasing the Keeper (The Quidditch Pitch Sequel) - Oliver Wood Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now