Everything Hurts

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“I know what you all just saw was weird,” said Serena. Her voice was trembling as she tried to forget what just happened. Her team sat facing her in the locker room. “But I want you all to forget it. We’re here to win the Quidditch Cup. Derrick and Bole, you two need to keep your eyes on the Bludgers and those Weasley twins. Protect this team at all costs. Malfoy. This is honestly all up to you. Potter has a Firebolt. If he sees the snitch before you, it’s all over. You can’t race him. You have to see the snitch first.”

“I can do it,” he said cockily.

“Bletchley, don’t let them get too far ahead of us. They have to be at least 50 points up before they can even attempt to look for the snitch. Flint and Pucey, just give it your all.”

“No sweat, Carrow,” said Flint. “We can do this.”

“I hope so,” she whispered. “Let’s go.”

They emerged to a wild crowd and a wave of thunderous noise. Three fourths of the crowd was waving scarlet flags and the rest were decked out in green. Professor Snape was sitting next to Faye and Lucius Malfoy who were all in the front row. Serena closed her eyes and took three deep breaths before leading her team out onto the field.

“Here comes the Slytherin team, led by Captain Serena Carrow,” said the voice of Lee Jordan booming over the loud speaker. The crowd erupted with a cheer of ‘boos’ except on the Slytherin end. Serena walked up to Madam Hooch and Oliver, which seemed like the longest walk of her life.

“Captains, shake hands,” she said. Oliver and her exchanged a tense handshake before both teams mounted their brooms and the crowd cheered again.


Madam Hooch’s whistle pierced the sky, as Serena was the first in possession of the Quaffle. She wasn’t as focused as she should have been and got the Quaffle stolen by Alicia Spinnet. Flint then intercepted as Serena sped back towards the other end of the field. He was about to pass it to Pucey when – WHAM – he was hit by a Bludger by George Weasley. Serena shot a dirty look at Bole who was hovering two feet away. Angelina stole the Quaffle and then –


“Shit!” muttered Serena under her breath.

“OUCH!” yelled Jordan. Serena looked up and saw that Angelina was nearly thrown off her broom by Flint. Serena couldn’t help but smile.

“Sorry! Didn’t see her!” he said as the crowd booed.

Suddenly Fred Weasley appeared behind him and smacked his club at the back of Flint’s head. His head hit the handle of his broom and his nose began to bleed.

“That will do it!” yelled Madam Hooch as she flew between them. “Penalty shot to Gryffindor for an unprovoked attack on their Chaser! Penalty to Slytherin for deliberate damage of their Chaser!”

Serena’s spirits were lifted a little bit until the crowd erupted with cheers again when Gryffindor scored on Bletchley.

“DAMN IT!” yelled Serena.

Now it was between Flint and Oliver. Flint had a smirk on his face as he threw the Quaffle up in the air with one hand and then caught it. Oliver had a concentrated look in his eye as he angrily watched Flint. Suddenly Flint took a shot and –


Serena was fuming now. She flew over to toward Alicia who was in possession of the Quaffle and popped it out of her hands. Pucey caught it who then passed it back to Serena. Serena sped down the field when suddenly a Bludger zoomed past her ear causing her to drop the Quaffle, which was caught by Katie Bell who was knocked off her broom by Pucey claiming that it was an accident when he deliberately grabbed her head. Gryffindor took another penalty shot and scored.

Chasing the Keeper (The Quidditch Pitch Sequel) - Oliver Wood Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now