Unknown Family

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Soooo I'm not sure how quickly I'll be able to put up the upcoming chapters because I'm really busy with school right now. So, if I don't post for a few weeks, don't freak out <3 I'm still writing and after the semester is over I'll have plenty of free time to write. But, I really appreciate all of you readers and voters and commentors!! :) You guys keep me inspired with your wonderful comments! Hope you like the next chapter! <3

It was a cold and rainy day the day of the Gryffindor Hufflepuff match. The wind was roaring and Serena woke up to the sound of the Black Lake lapping against her window. The Slytherin common room was very dim and green. It was how Serena liked it. It made the room look really cool. She walked to the Great Hall with Maggie and Olivia after they had bundled up and draped their ponchos over their arms. Serena was starving and filled her plate with sausages and toast. She looked over at the Gryffindor table and saw that Oliver was giving the team a prep talk. He wasn’t eating anything.

“Do you think it would even be worth it to bring an umbrella?” asked Maggie holding up her green umbrella. Serena looked outside and saw that the wind was whipping even faster.

“I doubt it,” said Serena. She started to get a little worried listening to the thunder crash. She pictured Oliver flying around on his broom and getting struck by lightning. She shuddered and tried not to picture it anymore. Maybe, if she tried, she could get the rain to stop. But she decided against it in case she accidentally made it worse. She had never controlled a thunderstorm before.

A thunderstorm definitely wasn’t enough to keep the students away from Quidditch. Everyone had been waiting all year for this and Serena was sad that she wasn’t playing, but then again she was very thankful she wouldn’t have to play in this weather.

“Who do you think is gonna win?” asked Olivia over the roar of the wind.

 “Gryffindor, for sure,” said Maggie. Serena nodded in agreement.

“Let’s say we make it interesting,” said Olivia. “I’ll bet you both one Galleon that Hufflepuff wins and Diggory catches the snitch.”

“You’re on!” said Serena. She loved gambling.

“What makes you so sure that Diggory is going to catch the snitch?” asked Maggie.

“He’s older than Harry and he has more experience,” said Olivia. “He’s used to playing in these conditions.”

“I don’t know,” said Maggie. “Harry’s pretty good.”

“All right, so it’s a bet!” said Olivia.

Within five minutes, everyone was soaked and frozen. If Serena weren’t so interested in the match, she would have headed back to the castle. But, just like everyone else, she wanted to see the outcome of this game.

The sky was getting darker and the storm was getting more treacherous. Serena watched carefully at Gryffindor’s strategy. They were up by fifty points and it was mostly because Oliver was such a fantastic Keeper. He would be the challenge, but she had strong Chasers. It was getting harder to see the players as the rain started pelting even harder. Madam Hooch’s whistle had blown and Gryffindor called a timeout.

“It’s s-s-s-so c-c-cold,” said Maggie. Serena looked over and Maggie and Olivia were huddled together trying to keep warm.

“I can keep you warm,” said Marcus Flint appearing out of nowhere. Maggie grimaced at him.

“No thanks,” she said.

Serena shot Flint a death glare. He smirked and turned his attention towards the field.

Chasing the Keeper (The Quidditch Pitch Sequel) - Oliver Wood Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now