Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw

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Serena spent all evening on Sunday practicing her powers with Oliver. She was really getting them under control and she was doing things that she had no idea she was capable of. Her mood no longer affected them anymore. She could be as angry as she wanted but would no longer suddenly start a thunderstorm.

“I think that’s enough for today,” said Oliver as he pulled the empty glasses away from Serena.

“Oh come on, I was just starting to have fun,” teased Serena. Oliver placed the glasses back in the cupboard and put the room back the way they found it.

“I’d say you’ve got a pretty good handle on your powers now,” said Oliver. “I’d like to see Sirius Black try and get passed you.”

Serena smiled and placed a kiss on his lips. They left the classroom and he walked her to her common room like he normally did.

“So…are you ready for the Gryffindor Ravenclaw match next weekend?” asked Serena.

“I think so,” he said as they stopped in front of the brick wall that was the entrance to the Slytherin common room. “You won’t be rooting for Ravenclaw now, would you my dear?”

Serena smirked. “Just like you were rooting for Hufflepuff?”

“Oh, shots fired,” he said. “You know I was rooting for you.”

“Then why were you wearing the badge?”

“Because no one gave me a Slytherin badge,” he said.

“Well I’ll make sure that you’re fully stocked for the Gryffindor Slytherin match,” she said. Oliver laughed.

“I’ll see you tomorrow in class?” he asked.

“Of course,” she said as she stood up on her tippy toes and placed a kiss on his lips.

“See you tomorrow, Miss Carrow,” he said with a smile. She said good-bye and stepped into the common room where she was almost knocked off her feet by Maggie and Olivia.

“Where have you been?” asked Olivia.

“We’ve been looking all over for you!” shrieked Maggie.

“Relax, I’m here now,” said Serena. “What’s going on?”

“You’ve got a letter!” said Maggie as she shoved a piece of parchment into her hands.

“It was on your bed,” said Olivia. “Blizzard delivered it.”

“We couldn’t help it –

“It looked so official –

“We had to open it!”

“It’s from the Holyhead Harpies!” shrieked Serena as she saw their emblem blazed across the top of the letter.

“THEY WANT YOU!” yelled Maggie so loud that heads turned and stared at them in the common room.

Serena ignored her friends as she quickly unfolded the parchment and read it:

Serena Carrow,

         I am delighted that this letter found it’s way to you. As I’m sure you know, the Holyhead Harpies is a women’s Quidditch Team founded in 1203. We are located in Wales, but we recruit young women from all over the world. One of our recruiters has seen you play and we must say that we are highly impressed. We would like to set up an appointment to meet with you to discuss your future career plans. Please attach your answer with your owl and get back to us as soon as possible.

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