[10] Escape

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I yanked the knife back, blood spurting from the action. 

Micheal's eyes rolled back in his head and his body collapsed into a heap on the floor. I watched the body of my enemy fall to my feet. After months, I finally defeated him. But, I didn't have time to celebrate, I had a tiny window to put my escape plan into action. 

I knew the door was unlocked but I wasn't stupid enough to barge out there. I had no idea what was out there or the armed men that awaited. I ran to the corner of the room, dropping to my knees, and I felt for the nailhead I had seen earlier. I found it and placed the dull, thick side of the knife blade under it. I prayed it wouldn't break and I started prying. 

Inch by inch, I worked the nail loose. I carefully paused to listen for a few seconds, making sure there was no one coming. I pulled the nail out with my fingers and then drove the knife blade between the floorboards. I tried to keep things quiet but the wooden boards groaned as I pried them apart. I cringed. 

Then, I heard footsteps. They echoed on the wood, I could almost feel the vibration in my fingertips. I frantically worked faster, prying the second-floor board loose. It was a tight space but I didn't have time to complain. I dropped the knife through and then began squeezing my legs through. Splinters jammed into my skin through my jeans but I ignored it, I almost freaked out when my hips got stuck but I managed to wiggle them enough to slip through. 

I fell a few feet, my palm catching on the edge of the board above me, and then I grunted as I slammed into hard, dirty ground. The wooden door above me swung open, slamming against the wall, and I hurriedly scrambled out of the stream of light. I cursed, grabbing the glinting knife, and then a shadow fell over the hole. 

"You think she fit through there?" Someone asked, their voice gruff. 

"She couldn't have gone anywhere else." Another voice answered. 

"Search the building!" 

I had been holding my breath until I heard their footsteps echoed away. I gulped down air and then looked around me. I was under the structure of whatever building I was held captive in, there was a three-foot crawl space and it was pitch black. I couldn't see anything ahead of myself. I took a deep breath, positioned the knife against my body so it wouldn't cut me and I began crawling on my knees and elbows. 

The further I crawled, the more I could hear noise. I realized I was getting close to the edge of the building. I blindly reached my hand out and my fingers met a hard surface. My heart dropped. Was the space beneath this building enclosed? Had I just trapped myself? I moved closer and pressed harder, using my body for more force. I heard something cracking and then the surface broke. Plastic, I realized, and blinked rapidly against the bright sunlight. 

I stayed still for a moment and surveyed my surroundings. Other buildings were lined up straight ahead, they looked like little cabins. I saw machinery parked in front of the bigger building at the end. Hummers, dirtbikes, and other off-road machines. I thought I saw the blade of a helicopter behind one of the buildings. There was a dirt road that went down the middle of it all but it wasn't just dirt, it was mud. 

Suddenly, I saw men moving through the mud. They were heavily armed. God, who were these people? There was no way Archs could obtain this much equipment and stay in a valley with absolutely no cover from AFTR. I gulped as I realized. This wasn't an Arch Camp, this was a spy camp for AFTR. 

"Hey!" Someone shouted. I looked to my right and saw a man running towards me. I'd been spotted. 

"Oh, shit!" I cursed and scrambled out from underneath the house. I stood up, only to drop again to kick at the ankles of the man. He cursed, stumbling in surprise, and I landed a square kick in between his legs. I brought my knife handle over his head and slammed it down with force, he was knocked out cold. 

I didn't waste time, I took off in a sprint. I ran between the cabins and spotted woods beyond. That was my ticket. I heard more shouting arise behind me and then a bullet whizzed by my head, implanting into the tree trunk beside me. I ducked out of instinct and tried to run faster. More gunfire echoed through the trees, I heard men chasing after me, and I felt the hairs on my neck stand up when bullets nearly clipped me. 

I was going to die. 

I covered ground faster than I thought was possible. I had no idea where I was going, I just needed to escape. They would definitely kill me if they caught me. Tree branches cut across my face and arms, I leaped over logs and fallen debris. After a few minutes, I could only hear my own panting and I paused to catch my breath. I heard distant arguing. 

I spotted an open space in the trees and I took off towards it. I had to try to get my bearings. I ran into a wide meadow, lush grass billowing in a gentle breeze. I raised a hand over my eyes to block the sun and I realized I didn't know where I was. It was a valley, sure, but which one? 

I spun in a circle, looking at the high ridges, I had no idea which one could led to Redwood. I couldn't position myself in the right location like I had when I was on my horse. I didn't even know which ridge I had been on. I cursed, I couldn't just stand here, I had to move. I could hear the motorized engines roar in the distance, they were after me and they weren't on foot anymore. 

I made a split-second decision and ran across the meadow towards the river. It would make a quick escape with no trace and I could recollect my bearings later. The green water tore by the bank with force, little white caps forming on the tops of the waves, and I knew this was going to be rough. I had no other choice so I took a deep breath and jumped in. 

Instantly, frigid water rose shivers from my spine and burned my nose. I was swept away with the strong current as it spun me head over heels. The water was deep and relentless, I couldn't figure out which direction was up. I began swimming with all the strength I had when my lungs began burning for air. I was constantly kept underwater and I thought for sure I would pass out and most likely drown. 

At last, I broke the surface. I gasped for air. Water splashed across my face, I almost went under again, and I coughed violently. I was being carried swiftly down the river, the bank whipped by in almost a blur, or maybe that was because my eyes were blurry for so much water blinding me. I silently thanked god that there was no debris in the river, I couldn't imagine being crushed against a rock or log with the force of this current, it would seriously injure me. 

Eventually, the river calmed and the current wasn't trying to tear the clothes from my skin. I began swimming towards shore. I had no idea how far the river had carried me but I figured I was pretty safe from my captors at the moment. They were probably still looking for me on the ridges. Speaking of which, I looked up as I swam and realized those towering ridges were nowhere to be seen. The land had smoothed into gently rolling hills and meadows. 

My feet met solid ground beneath the water and I stood up. My whole body trembled with exhaustion, I wobbled pathetically as I climbed onto the muddy bank and heaved myself out of the river. I coughed, water spewing from my lips, and then I collapsed on the grass a few feet from the river's edge. I was so tired. 

For just a moment, I closed my eyes. 


She's escaped! Now what will happen? 

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