[7] Traitor

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I winced at Rincho's bruising grip. 

Yeah, I was entirely used to pain, but it hurt alittle more than just physically. I knew that what I had done was dangerous and against Rincho's orders. Heck, I knew that the second I thought of my plan, but I let my curiosity get the best of me. And maybe a little bit of my own pride, too. I don't know what I was expecting. I even returned empty handed yet again. What a disappointment. 

Rincho said nothing as he drug me behind him. I knew better than to open my mouth. In that moment, I felt like a kid again and my parent was punishing me. I mean, my actions were totally childish so I kinda deserved it. Still, fear curled in the pit of my stomach. Something wasn't right. Not just what I had done, but something else entirely. Maybe all of Rincho's anger wasn't directed at me. 

Boy, was I sorely mistaken. 

He yanked me right through camp, earning questioning eyes from people, and straight in the main unit. I thought for sure he was taking me to Trevor for severe punishment. I shivered at the dreaded thought of the containment unit. I spent most of my time in that dark place when I first arrived at camp and I had no pleasant memories of it. But, Rincho simply pulled me into his office and slammed the door, finally releasing me. 

For a moment, I stood frozen, watching Rincho's shoulders heave with anger as he faced away from me. A million thoughts ran through my head, I unconsciously gripped my tender wrist. For just a moment, I imagined Rincho finally losing his patience with me. Letting his anger out. I would be a muddled mess in the corner. 

However, it never happened. 

Rincho let out a sigh and then he turned to face me. I couldn't move. His expression was emotionless again, cold eyes freezing me to my spot. I hated how easily he could compose himself. He was better at poker face than a toy doll. Though, I couldn't stand the silence. I felt vulnerable and I wanted him to say something. 

Impulsively, I blurted, "I'm sorry." 

"Were you followed?"

I swallowed, my throat dry, "No." Then, I felt the need to explain further, so I said, "I made my trail confusing to follow and then followed the creek back to camp." 

"You're sure?" 

"I did it just like you taught me." 

He was silent for another moment, then he asked, "What did you see?" 

I paused to consider my words. Should I tell him? Did he already know? I decided there was no point in withholding information for my own sake, he'd see right through me and get the truth anyway. So, I told him exactly what I saw. His jaw clenched tighter and tighter with every word. 

"Why didn't you tell me there was another camp?" I couldn't stop myself from asking. If we were being honest with each other now, I wanted a few answers. 

He sighed, "We aren't sure if they are an enemy." 

"Could Micheal have gone there?" 

"It's unlikely," Rincho said, "If he did, he's a prisoner." 

"I didn't see any more wildlife." I blurted.  

He raised an eyebrow in question. 

I rubbed my arm, sheepishly, "That's why I did it. I went down the mountain to find meat." It was partially true. I wasn't about to admit I was searching for answers because that was a whole other can of worms. Plus, Rincho was never fond of me digging in the past. 

However, the atmosphere grew lighter as Rincho relaxed his stance and then he said, "I know. You meant well and I admire that. But, you really have no idea the danger you put us in. Someone could have followed you, tracked the horse, and then Redwood becomes a slaughterhouse. We have to double patrols tonight because of it, and you better pray that everything is alright," He sighed, "You never think before you act." 

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