[8] Captive

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I came to and I instantly regretted it. 

A painful groan settled in the back of my throat. Hot, throbbing pain laced through my entire skull, wracking up a world of agony for me, and I hadn't even moved yet. I couldn't even open my eyes. They were so sensitive to light, I snapped them shut in less than a second. What in the world happened? Had I fallen off my horse during a hunt and knocked myself out cold? 

I lifted my hand and cold metal bit into my skin. Instantly, alarm ran through me. What in the actual hell? I jerked my hand again, meeting the restraint each time, and the clank of metal echoed through my aching skull. I pried my eyes open, wincing at the bright light that bit into my eye sockets. I blinked several times and, finally, when my vision cleared, my eyes zeroed in on the metal handcuffs latched around my left wrist. 

I instantly took in the room. It was small, I felt like I could touch each wall if I stretched enough. There was only the single bed that I was laid upon and a giant wooden door that looked like Goliath could squeeze through. I observed that there were no windows, just fluorescent lights buzzing in a droning fashion above my head. 

Then, I remembered what happened. 


I jerked on the handcuffs. The sharp metal bit into the skin on my wrist, clanking obnoxiously loud in the empty room, but I didn't care. I had to get out of here. Wherever I was, it wasn't good. I was in some serious trouble and I didn't know where anyone was. What had happened to everyone else? Had the explosions killed them? I almost shuddered at the thought. No, they had to be alive somewhere. 

By the time my wrist was raw, I had discovered the bed was bolted to the floor and I resorted to trying to pick the lock with my fingers. Brilliant, I know. I didn't have any bobby pins on me. At that thought, I finally observed my body. My clothes were still bloody, that didn't surprise me, but I saw clean white bandages peeking out from the torn material. Someone had tended my injuries. I was growing more confused by the second. 

Suddenly, the doorknob jiggled as someone unlocked it from the outside. I jerked upright without a second thought. I hated how my skull pounded but I needed to focus. I couldn't find anything to use in my defense so I was forced to sit there like a lost puppy. 

When I saw who walked in, I bit my tongue. 

Instead of spilling all the profanities in the most hateful way I could possibly manage, I stayed quiet for once. Maybe I did have a brain after all. I observed Micheal as he practically strutted into the room. His stance screamed of arrogance and victory. Of what, probably the best lowlife on the planet. He was playing dirty. 

"If it isn't the sleeping bitch, awake and looking murderous," Micheal chuckled, "What's got into you? Someone steal your breakfast?" 

"Where am I?" I bit out. 


My nostrils flared, "Don't play games with me." 

"Look, I didn't come here to fight with you," Micheal raised his hands and my brows furrowed even more, "How about a nice shower? That will help wash off the blood, yeah?" 

I narrowed my eyes, "Did they knock the shit out of you or are you just dumber than I thought?" 

There it was. A flare of anger, his fingers curled into clenched fists. I was getting to him. This facade he was trying to play wasn't fooling me. Micheal was a man of foul play and easy rewards. He must have received a good offer to lead an attack on Redwood, that's what I had gathered so far. 

"No," He tried to stay calm, for what reason I didn't know yet, "As a friend--" 

"We're enemies," I sharply cut him off, "What's your angle?" 

He shrugged, "No angle." 

I caught it the moment he did it. Just for a fraction of a second, he slightly looked over his shoulder. It wasn't like Micheal to be nervous or nice, so I pieced two and two together. Someone was listening in on our conversation. He was sent in here to prove his worth, that had to be part of the deal that was made, which meant he also needed something from me or I would have already been dead. 

"I get it now," I started slowly, tauntingly, "You're just a pawn in the game, aren't you?" 

His jaw clenched. Bingo. 

"Did you really think the whole friend thing would work on me?" I chastised, leaning forward against the handcuff, "Or is that one of their tactics? Just following orders?" 

"Shut your damn mouth." Micheal barked.  

"Wait until they found out the snake you really are --" 

His fist struck me so fast, I only registered the fact that I lost my balance. My whole skull flamed with agony from the blow to my cheekbone. I fell back against the wall next to the bed, my wrist still anchored to the bedrail. Good thing I wasn't a girl who couldn't take a hit. Often times, I hit back ten times harder, but this situation was just unfair. 

"Damn, that was good." I chuckled but my air was cut short. 

His fist landed in my ribcage and I doubled over, wheezing for air. I didn't really consider the gravity of my situation, I just kept poking the bear with a stick. He laid into me for a few seconds before he suddenly stopped, heaving for air. I struggled to catch my breath. When I finally did, I sucked in a lung full of air and then spit the blood from my mouth directly onto his shoes. 

Grunting, he slammed the toe of his shoe into my thigh. I bit back my pain and spit on his shoe again, for good measure. 

He scoffed, "You're lucky I still have a use for you, otherwise I'd love to slaughter you like a little pig." 

I sneered, "I wouldn't call it luck. I mean, I knew you were low but I didn't think you'd actually stoop this low to beat someone who is already down and handcuffed." I jiggled my wrist for emphasis. 

He ignored my statement, "I'll get information out of you, one way or another. Everyone has a breaking point and I've had the pleasure to know a few of yours." 

I spat out more blood, "You can't scare me." 

"You'll regret ever crossing me." 

"Doubt it." 

He looked as if he wanted to punch the living crap out of me for another minute before he exhaled roughly and left the room. Well, that was fun, I thought. My entire body throbbed like someone had set fire to my skin. I probably shouldn't have opened my mouth. I only got myself beat even more than the injuries than I previously had. I stayed against the wall and steadied my breathing. I couldn't stay here. 

I had to get out. 


Five months later, let's try this again! 

 I'm on winter break from college and I'm going to really try to write weekly for this book. Or at least every other week. I hope you're enjoying reading so far! 

Vermillion DawnTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon