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Third Person's POV

We start in Robotropolis where we see a manhole open up and Uncle Chuck and Markus climb out. They looks up into the sky, and see Sonic and Brody on the side of building. They looks around, checking to see if the coast is clear, and finally gives them a thumbs up. Chuck and Markus runs to a nearby building and takes cover. Above them, we see Dulcy looking through a pair of binoculars, and gives Sonic and Brody a signal with her hands as she does so. Sonic and Brody nod, and waves their hands at Chuck and Markus, who ducks in an ally as some guards fly by. Finally, they make a run for their destination. Back to Dulcy, her wings begin to act up, and against her wishes, start lifting her in the air "HEY!" Dulcy said and gets a hold of herself "OOF! Whew, I better cut out the chocolate" she said as two bots are flying down the street "Perimeter sweep report. Sub sector 3-Dash-Bravo clear" the bot said and they fly off, and Chuck and Markus run up to a locked door. Chuck pulls out a device and hack it open, which sets off an alarm. Sonic and Brody meets them there, and Chuck pulls out a screw driver and walks over to barred vent.

*Meanwhile in the Control Room*

Snively sees the alarm, and pulls up a video feed, where he spots Sonic and Brody "All right! Freedom fighters are number one!" Brody said "Whoo-hoo!" Sonic said "Miserable hedgehog and wolf....." Snively said and pushes a button and switches over to Robotnik, who's asleep in bed "I'm sorry to wake you, sir, but we have a hedgehog and wolf alert! Sub section 3-Dash-Bravo!" Snively said as Robotnik rises out from his covers "Very well, Snively. Activate all Mega Muck unites" Robotnik said as a series or red droids with nozzles in the front all come to life and speed off.

*Back in the city*

Markus and Chuck are in a new location, as Chuck's re-attaching the hatch. As sirens begin to go off, he lets out a whistle. Back to Sonic and Brody, who have a series of lasers shot at them, which is their cue to run "Code blue. In pursuit of hedgehog and wolf sector delta niner-" a robot said.

*At the same time in the Control Room*

Robotnik is out of bed and in a purple robe with black slippers. He walks into the control room "-heading North East. Hedgehog and Wolf now bearing 3-0-0-sector Victor Zulu" the bot said "GET THEM! GET THEM, THERE THEY ARE! GET THEM!" Snively said "This time, you two are mine, hedgehog and wolf!" Robotnik said.

*Back with Sonic and Brody*

Sonic and Brody continue racing through the streets, as the Mega Muck robots head them off. Dulcy sees the ambush "Uh-oh! Trouble!" Dulcy said as Sonic and Brody come to a stop "Woah! Doh, bummer!" Brody said as he and Sonic stop for a second, and then begins to speed around, causing a huge tornado "Look like it's bowling for Swat-bots time!" Sonic said as the huge forces sucks them all in, and throws them aside "STRIKE!" Sonic and Brody said as a new set of robots show up "Ahhh, so many hover heads, and so little time. OUTTA HERE!" Sonic and Brody said as they blast off, and Dulcy sees the whole thing "Woah! GO SONIC! AND BRODY!" Dulcy said and eventually Sonic and Brody run into a spot of trouble as a bigger set of bots head them off "Huh?!" Dulcy asks as the robots begin firing Mega Muck at Sonic and Brody, and they find themselves neck deep in it "Oh MAN! Mega Muck...." Sonic said as a ship lands just ahead of them "I smell a BIG bald guy" Brody said as Robotnik steps out, still in his robe and slippers " big UGLY bald guy! Yo Robuttnik, cool jammies!" Sonic said. Back on Dulcy, as her wings start acting up again "What's happening? Whoo-wee! This is making me crazy. Sonic! Brody!" Dulcy said as she swoops down " I do hope you like the accommodations, dear boys" Robotnik said as the hover bots drop a pod over Sonic and Brody "It was the best I could do on such short notice. I hope you two understand" Robotnik said "Lousy view" Sonic and Brody said "From here, it is splendid. Heheh- WHAT'S THIS!?" Robotnik said as Dulcy dives in, takes a deep breath, and fires her ice beams from her nostrils, freezing Robotnik and the robots. Sonic and Brody grab her by the feet, and the three fly out of there "Way past, Dulce!" Sonic and Brody said "He needed to chill, heheheheh!" Dulcy said as Robotnik is left frozen and shivering.

Freedom Fighters in Love(BrodyxSonic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora