Blast to the Past Part I

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Third Person's POV

We start in Robotropolis as Sonic, Brody, Sally and two freedom fighters run around and hide under some broken down ship and Sonic and Brody check their surrounding "It's cool" Sonic and Brody said "Ready, Sonic and Brody?" Sally asks "Are lambs woolly?" Sonic asks "Does lightning work?" Brody asks "Get a grip guys, we're outta here!" Sonic and Brody said as the two run off and they approach swatbots "Yo, bot breaths looking for us?" Sonic asks "We are the only ones here" Brody said "Hedgehog and Wolf alert. Sector 7, Quadrant 5" the swatbot said fires at them but they dodge "Woah! Whatever happened to hello?" Sonic asks as the swatbot keeps firing and the duo kept dodging "Bahh! Haha! Ahh! Jelly and jam time!" Brody said as he and Sonic run off and the swatbots chase them.

"Good luck guys" Sally said as the freedom fighters run off. Meanwhile Sonic and Brody take a sharp turn around a corner losing the swatbots and then they head back to Sally "They're in" Sally said "4...3...2..." Sally said and Sonic and Brody gasps aa the electric plant explodes making the lights in Robotropolis go out "Cool plan Sally!" Sonic and Brody said "Ahh, thanks" Sally said and looks through binoculars not finding the two freedom fighters "Where are they?" Sally asks and Brody looks around "Guys, over there!" Brody said and they see swatbots carrying the two freedom fighters away "Brody and I'll get 'em Sally!" Sonic said "Meet us at thd junk heap" Brody said as he and Sonic chase after the captured freedom fighters. Unfortunately the door closes on them "Open up, stupid door!" Sonic and Brody said banging the door and two swatbots spot them "Hedgehog and Wolf alert, quadrant 7" the swatbot said "Awww man! Sometimes I seriously hate this job!" Sonic and Brody said running away.

*At the Junk Heap*

"See them, Sally Girl?" Bunnie asks "Not yet, Bunnie" Sally said and Bunnie spots Sonic and Brody "Incoming Sugar-Hog and Sugar-Wolf!" Bunnie said as Sonic and Brody run up to them "We were too late Sally" Sonic said "They took them to Robutt ik's headquarters" Brody said "The roboticizer!" Sally said "Yeah! We got to get 'em out!" Sonic said "Agreed, but how?" Sally asks "I hate when you ask that" Sonic said "Sonic! Brody!" Bunnie said "What?!" Sonic and Brody ask walking over to Bunnie "Take a look" Bunnie said giving them her binoculars and they each take a turn and see the two freedom fighters have been roboticized "Sonic, Brody, what is it?" Sally asks "They're already roboticized" Brody said and Sally gasps "Oh no!" Sally said "One day, Robuttnik, you're going down man, BIG TIME!" Sonic and Brody said.

*Later at Knothole*

"No Sonic and Brody, it was my fault" Sally said "Come on Sally, we were too late" Brody said and Sonic nodded "No, if I had spent more time on the plan, we wouldn't have lost them. I should've posted guards here, here, and here" Sally said when Dulcy walks to them "Aww you can't cover everything Sally, Robotnik's too cagy" Dulcy said "Uh! That's no excuse! The plan was no good. Period" Sally said "Aw, come on Sally. Dulcy is right" Sonic said "Robuttnik's holding all the aces. We should've taken him down a long time ago" Brody said "Before he took over" Sonic said "Sonic, Brody, we were five years old" Sally said "So? We were a way cool five" Sonic and Brody said "Well. Do it now, you can use the time stones" Dulcy said "Say what?" Sonic and Brody ask "The time stones, you know. They take you back in time" Dulcy said "Dulcy, the time stones are just a myth" Sally said "No way, they're on the floating island" Dulcy said "Another myth" Sally said "Sally, I know that island's no myth. I bumped into it" Dulcy said "Sal..." Brody said "Brody, time travel violates all the laws of physics" Sally said "So does Dulcy's flying but that doesn't stop her. Let's go for it" Sonic said and Brody nods while Sally sighs.

*Later in the sky*

"What do you think Dulce?" Sonic asks "We're close now. I can feel it" Dulcy said "You've said that 20 times today" Sally said and Dulcy gasps "I saw it!" Dulcy said "You've said that 20 tomes too" Sally said "So sue me, now it'w 21. Going down!" Dulcy said and Sonic, Brody and Sally scream as Dulcy takes a nose-dive "How can you see anything?" Sally asks " 'Cause I got radar eyes" Dulcy said when she hits something and starts to fall "Now we're really going down" Brody said as the four of them scream and hit the ground "Oh yeah, nice landing Dulce" Sonic said "Thanks ma" Dulcy said dizzy "So what do you think Sally?" Brody asks "I think we're back on the ground. This is no floating island" Sally said "Oh yeah?" Dulcy asks and blows away all the fog in one breath revealinh what they're standing on to be a floating island "Oh my gosh. It's... it's true" Sally said "Woah, way cool!" Sonic and Brody said "Ok Dulce, now where are the ol' time stones?" Brody asks "Like I know" Dulcy said and yawns "Probably in the palace. I have enough trouble traveling forward. So I'll just hang right here" Dulcy said going to sleep and the three walk off.

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