Sub Sonic and Brody

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Third Person's POV

We start in Robotnik's oil drilling platforms in the day "Excellent, Snively" Robotnik said appearing on a monitor "It appears that the probes have found another oil lake" He said "It appears that way, sir" Snively said "What are the holding tank oil levels?" Robotnik asks "36 percent capacity, sir. By tonight we should reach 50 percent" Snively said "Oh, I assure you Snively, you will do better than 50 percent, much better" Robotnik said "But, sir, we've been running at maximum power for 10 days..." Snively said "We will go on 10 days if necessary. Understood?" Robotnik asks "Understood, sir" Snively said "There is a world of oil down there, Snively and I shall have it all" Robotnik said.

*Meanwhile at The Great Forest*

"I just don't understand it, Rotor. I calculated the exact proportions of water to sun ratio and energized the soil, but these trees don't respond" Sally said "Yeah. They look pretty sick all right. In fact, a lot of the trees around here aren't looking so hot" Rotor said "Antoine, how are the other trees doing?" Sally asks and Antoine sighs "Oh, not so too very good my princess" Antoine said "How come the trees are dying, Aunt Sally?" Tails asks "Well, I think Robotnik's pollution is spreading farther and farther from the city, honey" Sally said "Well, I am thinking that maybe they die from this horrible fraternizer. Phew!" Antoine said and Tails laughs "Not fraternizer, Antoine. Fertilizer" Tails said and a thunder shows up "What is this?" Antoine asks "Looks like a storm is coming. Maybe some rain will bring these trees back to life" Sally said.

*Meanwhile at the bridge*

"Just put the pedal to the metal and baby we guarantee..." Sonic sings "You'll be juicing to the tenth degree. Crank it supersonic" Brody sings "It don't take any fuel, cuz the rocket's in my pocket and We are wa-a-a-a-a-a-a-ay past cool!" Brody and Sonic finished singing and the two bow to an imaginary audience "Thank you, thank you. Thank you, thank you" Sonic and Brody said as Brody is fishing and a fish jumps out of the river and back in "Whoa! Hang on, fish sticks, cuz we're gonna rock 'n' reel!" Brody said and he gets dragged down the river "Brody!" Sonic said "Whoa! This is one tough tuna!" Brody said as he continues sliding down the river while hanging onto his fishing pole. As he heads to a log and grabs it letting go of his hole "Are you okay love?" Sonic asks worried and Brody coughs spitting water and nodded "I rather have a chili dog anyway" Brody said.

*Later at the Freedom Fighter's Garden*

"And I'll tell ya, that fish stick was so big, he pulled Brody right off the bridge and he water skied behind him for 10 miles!" Sonic said "Then he stole my pole!" Brody said "Bummer. I was ready for some fish sticks" Rotor said "I bet he was big as a tree, huh Brody? Bet it was even big as a house, huh?" Tails asks "You got it, big guy" Brody said "Pardonnez-moi, Brody and Sonic, but are you two thinking we were born tomorrow, hmmm?" Antoine asks "It's all true Ant. A wolf and a hedgehog never lies" Brody said and shakes water out of his ear which landed on the flower. The water on the flower makes it bloom "Whoa!" Sonic said suprised "What's up with thebold flower?" Brody asks suprised "Ah! Fantastique!" Antoine said "Oh my gosh! Brody, what did you do?" Sally asks "I dunno. I just knocked water out of my ear. Like this" Brody said shaking water out of his ear once again, which landed on the crops "Guess it wasn't the water" Brody said "Wow! Cool Brody!" Tails said when the water made the crops grow "I do not believing my ears..." Antoine said "Brody, Sonic? Where did this water come from?" Sally asks "The Great River, near our bridge" Brody said "Then we have to get more of it" Sally said.

*At the Great River*

"Very cool boat" Sonic and Brody said "Gosh, no big deal" Rotor said "Come on man, you're totally hot with the ol' hammer" Brody said "Yeah, but who cares about some nerdy handyman. I'd rather be a superhero like you two. Now that's cool" Rotor said "Can't argue that. When you're right you're right. But it's still a cool boat" Sonic said "Rotor! Look out for the big log!" Antoine said "Just chill and enjoy the scenery, Ant" Brody said and Antoine nodded "Look guys. Those trees are dying, just like the ones in Knothole. Somehow, we have to figure out a way to revive them before the whole forest dies" Sally said "Maybe that weird green water will do it" Brody said and the boat picked up speed "Rotor, why are we gping too fast?" Antoine asks "Yeah, the current is picking up speed" Rotor said "Can't you slow down, Rotor?" Sally asks "I can try" Rotor said "Man, we're really startin' to juice! Hey! What's up?" Sonic asks "I am not liking this too much, Rotor!" Antoine said and everyone screams as the boat enters a whirlpool "My gosh! Where are we?" Sally asks "That's what I'd like to know" Rotor said "Looks like some kind of underground lake" Brody said.

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