Spyhog and Spywolf

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Third Person's POV

We start in Robotropolis at night in the factory where the fuel tankers for Project Doomsday are being worked on, Uncle Chuck and Markus are working on one of the tankers, when they spots the Tech-bots on the landing above pass by, leaving their control room unattended. Checking to see if it is clear, they turns off the automated welders they were using and sneak off to gather more intel for the Freedom Fighters. However, after they leaves their post, Snively is coming down the aisle checking the tankers, flanked on either side by a SWAT-bot, when he notices Uncle Chuck and Markus making his way across the upper corridor "Hmm..." Snively said suspiciously. In the control room, Uncle Chuck and Markus begin downloading the schematics for the tankers, transferring them to a disk Markus stores in the slot in his robotic body's chest. However, before they can collect the tankers' schedule, they are interrupted by Snively "You there! What are you two doing in here?!" Snively asks "Circuit breaker tripped, Sir. Reset" Markus and Uncle Chuck said and they leave the control room but Snively is still suspicious "Hmmm..." Snively said.


Sonic and Brody are making their way through Robotropolis to see Uncle Chuck and Markus with a chili dog in hand "Be cool, stomach. Here it comes!" Sonic and Brody said and they devour the chili dogs, as they have hitched a ride on a Hover Unit to get near Uncle Chuck and Markus' hideout in Robotropolis "Time to blow this chili stand!" Sonic said as he and Brody deactivate the magnets on the underside of their shoes and roar off to Uncle Chuck and Markus' hideout "Thanks for the ride, bud. Gotta run!" Brody said.

*Later at Uncle Chuck and Markus' hideout*

Uncle Chuck is scanning the area for trouble, but as Sonic and Brody approach, he turns off his periscope, and the red glow of his and Markus' robotic eyes turns off as Sonic and Brody enter "Sonic! Brody! Oh, this is a nice surprise" Markus and Uncle Chuck said "Double nice, Unc! Us, and a chili dog!" Sonic said as Uncle Chuck and Markus gasp in joy as seeing some organic food, brought to them "Oh, why thank you, boys" Markus said as he and Uncle Chuck munch down on the food, ending with a gulp and short burp "Delicious!" Markus and Uncle Chuck said "Cool. Anything up with the fuel tankers?" Brody asks "Yeah, We just got the schematics" Markus said and removes the disk from his chest slot and hands it to Brody "Way past, Mr Markus and Uncle Chuck! Sal's been waiting for this! Any word on the schedule?" Sonic asks "Not yet. It might take a while. Snively almost caught us today" Uncle Chuck said "Ya gotta bail, dad and Uncle Chuck. Come back to Knothole" Brody said "No way, boys. Our job here is still vital" Markus said "Yeah, but it's getting mondo nasty" Sonic said and Uncle Chuck goes back to his periscope to check to see if it is safe for Sonic and Brody to escape back to the other Freedom Fighters as Sonic and Brody voice their concerns. Brody sticks the disk into his backpack "It's the chance we have to take. It's clear. Better get that disk to Sally. We'll let you two know when We get the tanker schedule" Uncle Chuck said and Sonic hugs him and Brody hugs Markus "Be careful" Sonic and Brody said "We will" Markus and Uncle Chuck said as Markus pulls out a remote and opens the door with the remote, and Sonic and Brody make their getaway back to Knothole. After they leave, the door closes again while Uncle Chuck and Markus go back to their spy work.

*Later at the Doomsday Project*

The Doomsday Project is still under construction "...and all Doomsday engines will be ready for testing by midday tomorrow. Are you on schedule with the fuel tankers?" Robotnik asks "A tad ahead, Sir" Snively said "How much of a "tad", Snively?" Robotnik asks "Um, three minutes, Sir" Snively said and unaware to them, Markus and Uncle Chuck's bug is transmitting the conversation back to their hideout.

*At  Uncle Chuck and Markus' hideout*

Markus and Uncle Chuck are listening in very closely "Three whole minutes. Well, whatever would I do without you? When does the fuel depart?" Robotnik asks "Dawn tomorrow, Sir" Snively said "Huh?!" Markus and Uncle Chuck said in shock "Excellent..." Robotnik said.

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