Chapter Twenty Three

Start from the beginning

"I saw Xiv. I know it's my time."

"This isn't fair," I whispered, placing a hand over his. "You don't deserve this."

Liam leaned in and kissed me, gentle as the first. It was scared, but hopeful. And I kissed back, his lips feeling colder than before.

"Please don't forget me," he whispered. "And please, move on. I want you to be happy."

"Don't say that, you'll make it. I love you. I love you. Please."

"I love you Isaiah. I love you more than anyone or anything in this world. Be happy for me." He smiled one last time, before he slowly started going slack, he hand slipping from my face. And the light vanished from his eyes. I closed them for him, feeling shakes coming along.

"You were supposed to be my forever. What am I supposed to do now that you're gone?"

The silence was deafening.

I couldn't hear anything. No screaming, no fighting, nothing. Just my own breath and the oncoming sobs that wrecked through my body as I held Liam close. If it hurt when I was rejected...

This was worse.

My skin felt cold and my heart stung in my chest, writhing in pain as it couldn't comprehend my other half died.

He was fine yesterday.

We laughed yesterday.

We kissed yesterday.

We ate yesterday.


Today he was gone.

Liam was dead.



My eyes burnt, tension rushing at the ducts, oncoming tears washing harder over me.

Everything felt dizzying, nauseating, as if my whole body went into shutdown, not being able to handle the loss of Liam.

I think I was screaming. I couldn't sense anything.

But the ground shook.

I didn't care. I picked up Liam's body, holding it close, and limped back to camp. Back to where I ran from, still sobbing.

Everything felt lost. Time, people.

I watched as he was draped in cloth and wheeled away, to be prepped or the funeral back home.

And I sat there, at the hospital bed, clutching onto his helmet. The last bit of him I had.


What would I do?

He was gone.

My soulmate was gone.

The visions of the future were a lie if he wasn't the one in it.

No matter who came along after, I loved him.

This couldn't be true.

He couldn't be dead-

But I saw it. I saw him vanish right in front of me. He lost his light. And I held him as he died. I cried his name and all he said was I love you. He loved me. He wasted his final breaths telling me something I already knew.


I missed him.

My heart ached, and I was scared it would never stop.

It wasn't fair.

It wasn't remotely fair. To him, to me, to anyone.

I heard commotion, and I could hear cheers of supposed victory.

But I didn't care. He was gone.

Nothing would fix that pain for me.

I just wanted him with me.


Why did it have to hurt so much?

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