Chapter 1

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No one's POV:

Orion, Hydra, Ursa Major, Cetus, Eridanus, Centarus, Aquilla, Canis Major, Cassieopia, Cygnus, Lyra, and Antlia sat around a huge round table, waiting for Scorpius to entre the room. At last he came in, bringing with him the cold vibe he always had. The atmosphere in the room suddenly turned really tense when Ursa said,

"Oh, stop this Scorpius!"  

Scorpius glared at her, but  stopped doing the "funny" trick he was doing. Normally he wouldn't have listened to a thing Ursa said, but this was important.

Orion started the meeting. There were no usual formalities. This was urgent.

"So, you all got them?" he asked. Everyone nodded. "Good, now you just have to transform them."

"I've already asked Columba to do that," said Antlia in a very regal manner. Orion nodded in approval.

"I have a question," Canis asked, "What would the transformation do to them? Would they forget everything?"

"Who told you they'd forget everything? Seriously do you even pay attention in the meetings?" Eridanus fired at him.

"Not my fault you guys are boring as hell," Canis said calmly.

"WE ARE NOT BORING AS HELL!" Eridanus bellowed

Canis made a face at her and said, "Yeah right. All you wanna do is talk about how Sun's Conjunction to Mercury in July would fatally affect the inhabitants of Earth forever. Who even thinks about that shit anymore?"

Eridanus got up to attack him when Orion put a stop to that fight. 

"It's okay, Eridanus. As for your question Canis, no they'd not forget everything. They'll just transform to perfectly fit the image of their Zodiac although some aspects of their previous selves would remain with them. And not all of them would transform. Only the Fortemistes chosen to become the Pneuma's would transform. the Advisers would stay as they want--"

"Yeah because those poor things would like a bit of sense in them once they've transformed. Like, imagine being TOTALLY a Scorpio," Ursa said, interrupting Orion. She didn't have anything against Scorpios, she just wanted to irritate Scorpius as much as she could since it was his daughter that had been chosen to become the Zodiac. Little did she know, he didn't give a flying fuck about her.

"Ursa! That's enough," Orion stated coldly and then began, "As I was saying, only the  Fortemistes chosen to become the Pneuma's would transform. That's why from now on, their real names wouldn't be used. From now on, they'd be addressed by their Zodiac name. Names have immense power. Oh and also, Saturn has been asked to change their ages to 16, 17 or 18 for eternity. Or as long as they have to stay at Haumea"

"Whatever, I still didn't understand anything," Canis replied and Orion sighed.

"Who'd be sent to address them now?" Scorpius asked.

"Not you that's for sure," said Ursa, "Imagine thinking you died but you didn't and you wake up only for the first face you see to be that of Scorpius's."

Everyone rolled their eyes, but they were worried as well. Who would go to confront the children now?    

A/N: Next chapter would be with the Zodiacs Woohoo! Also is the story good so far? 

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