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I wandered aimlessly around the grounds. I had just ditched my two bodyguards and wanted to get as far away from them as possible. Honestly, why did I need bodyguards? The Council claimed it was because I was too strong and important, but if I really was that strong then couldn't I defend myself? Besides if I really had been strong then Leah.....she wouldn't've died that day. 

As I thought this, the events of that fateful night played before my eyes. (insert all the stuff that happened in the Gemini chapter previously cz I'm too lazy to write it all out)  

After her death, I couldn't live with myself. I had been there while it had happened and I didn't save her. What kind of a friend was I? I suppressed my emotions for a while and actually became pretty reserved after that happened. I practiced fighting with my dagger as a way to cope with my grief and now I was a hundred times better at sword fighting than I had been a year ago.

Still it had been a year since she died and I wasn't fully over it. That's why I wanted to spend some time alone, without swarms of people crowding around me. 

As I neared the edge of the cliff outside the Academy borders, I heard a commotion on my right. When I turned, I saw two Abians advancing on a girl. She was frozen in fright. She reminded me too much of Leah. I felt this strange need to save her, like that would probably fix the past. Sure enough, my battle instincts kicked in and I ran there to help her. 

As soon as I attacked the Abians, the girl came to life and ran away. We had a furious fight and after some minutes, I killed one of the Abians. Nearby, I heard the girl fall and wail loudly. "I would take care of that later," I thought to myself and leapt at the other Abian. 

The fight that it put up was one of the best I'd ever had. We were almost at the edge of the cliff. One push and either of us would be down. 

Unfortunately, that push came from the Abian. I stumbled and tried to gain back my footing, but failed and fell. As I fell, I saw the girl look at me in despair and horror, as if realizing that she would be next. She tried to get up and run from there, but I doubted she'd get far.

I rolled down from the steep, stony cliff and got badly wounded by the time I reached its base. My face was badly scraped and my clothes got completely torn. I was bleeding a lot. But all I could think of was that girl whom the Abian might be advancing on right now. I was too tired and injured to get back up and defend her.

"Would I fail again?" I asked myself. Right at that moment, I felt something cold near my back. Reaching my hand there, I took out my silver dagger from my back pocket. It was a miracle that my dagger hadn't fell off somewhere as I had fallen down the cliff. 

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