Hospital Visits

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Amity wasn't permitted to go any further than the waiting room of the hospital. Something about 'family only'. It didn't bother her. She was more than content to sit in the waiting room next to Eda, who also hadn't been allowed to enter. Eda was a bit more upset than she was.

"Do you think Luz found the room okay? The nurse gave directions, but you know Luz." Eda mused, making Amiy grin.

"She isn't the best at remembering things, is she?"

"Heh, no way. I swear, information goes in one ear and right out the other with her," Eda said, smiling. "It might be endearing if I didn't have to remind her to take her lunch every morning."

"She really is something, isn't she? And I mean that in the best way possible." Amity looked off, her thoughts filled with Luz.

Eda's expression softened. "You know, Kid, I'm glad she had you."

"Trust me, it was me that had her."

"Regardless, I'm sure she's through the moon about you two. She's had her eye on you basically since her first day here, you know." Eda laughed, remembering how Luz would bring up the 'super cute girl' in her classes every night at dinner.

"I wish I had done something sooner. The hour we finally figure things out, it turns out she has to leave." Amity frowns, and Eda nods in understanding.

"That kid sure makes everyone around her better, huh? Every day you're around her, you just feel like a better person."

Amity understood completely. Within two weeks, Luz had opened Amity's mind... and heart... to so many things. Amity had dropped her 'friends', and wanted to be a better person. She did something (or thought about doing something) that directly went against her parents. She became truer to herself. I mean, if you told Amity Blight 15 days ago that she would have fallen in love before her 18th birthday, she would have laughed in your face, and then started a rumor about your home life.

Looking back, Amity was a completely different person than she was. But it wasn't a scary thought. Instead, she smiled.

"I wish she didn't have to leave." Amity's voice was low.

"You and me both, kid."

Amity offered a smile to the older lady when her phone buzzed.

Edric- 8:42pm
how are things going? did you ask her yet????? emira won't shut up about all the things that might go wrong, and it's starting to stress me out.

Amity- 8:43pm
I'm not going to go through with it. Luz has to stay for her family, and I don't want to get in between that. Plus, I don't know why I thought I could just leave. There's so much I have to finish here.

Edric- 8:45pm
we weren't kidding when we said you could live with us. i just got off the phone with the landlord for some larger apartments down near the college. me and em are moving in on monday.

Amity- 8:46pm
Are you sure?

Edric- 8:46pm
duh. we're getting tf out of that house. you should come. there's three bedrooms. or, two bedrooms and some guest room.

Amity- 8:47pm
I could still go to school, right?

Edric- 8:48pm
if you don't mind the drive every day lol

Amity- 8:49pm
I think I can handle that.

Edric- 8:50pm
promise you'll bring Luz to visit sometime? we both wanna meet her!

Amity- 8:51pm
As long as you promise not to tease us the entire time

Edric- 8:52pm
we cannot and will not make that promise.

I Don't Fall in Love (Lumity Human AU)Where stories live. Discover now