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The rest of the week had gone by in a bit of a blur.

The smart thing would have been to stop talking to Luz. They had settled in to very different groups at school, and if Amity were to talk to Luz in the hallways or during class, people would talk.

Amity wasn't really ever someone to actually, genuinely care about that sort of thing, but when she stepped out of line, word would somehow always reach the people she didn't want it to. Rumors spread fast when you're an object of interest to the public. And being a Blight, Amity was forced to life at the center of the public.

The smart thing would have been to completely stop interacting with the girl she had fallen for.

But Amity didn't really care.

Luz- 8:02pm
if u could bring one item with u to a desert island, what would it be?

Amity couldn't stop having dumb conversations with Luz Noceda. They didn't really talk at school, but when Amity would get home after her extracurriculars, she would spend hours on her phone texting Luz. They would never talk about school, or drama, or anything deep. Instead, they would discuss the newest sci-fi movie or funny stories from Luz's old school.

The events of earlier that week had melted away, and sometimes, Amity would forget that she told Luz that she wasn't interested in her. But that didn't really matter now, because she and Luz had become friends. And Amity was okay with just being friends.

Besides. Luz Noceda was the first person since elementary school that Amity could actually be herself around. She didn't have to worry about every word that came out of her mouth, and how it would affect her later on. She could just speak her mind without a care in the damn world.

And she was content.

Amity- 8:03pm
I suppose I would bring a boat, so that I could just leave the island.

Luz- 8:05pm
that's cheating >:(

Amity- 8:06pm
There's rules? 🤨

Luz- 8:07pm
duh! the sacred rules of the 'what would you bring to a desert island' game

Amity- 8:07pm
I don't think I've ever taken the time to learn such rules.

Luz- 8:07pm
i can tell :p

Amity- 8:08pm
What would you bring, 'o Queen of The Desert Island Game?

Luz- 8:10pm
id bring you so that I wouldn't be lonely

Amity- 8:15pm
And what makes you think I would want to go with you?

Luz- 8:16pm
cause u care about me, and if I asked u to go to a deserted island, i know u would >:D

Amity- 8:17pm
How do you know I care about you?

Luz- 8:18pm
lol it's cause why would you talk to me every day, risking your oh-so-perfect standings as a popular girl? you love me lol >:)

Amity- 8:19pm
I do not.

Luz- 8:20pm
yeah, I know princess

And sometimes, Amity would be reminded that she wanted more than to be just friends.


Luz liked teasing Amity. It was interesting seeing Amity Blight, the supposed scariest popular girl to ever live, humor her in her games. From what Luz had heard, Amity was some Regina George type girl, whose parents were rich and influential. But then, Amity would quote Sailor Moon, and Luz couldn't help but smile.

Luz didn't ever cross the line that she knew was there. As far as she was concerned, Amity was straight. Luz knew better than anyone that coming out before you were ready was a shitty thing to go through. It was so, so obvious that Amity was at least bisexual, if not a lesbian, but Luz respected the line that was there. She wouldn't cross it with some dumb flirtatious comment or gay joke.

I Don't Fall in Love (Lumity Human AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon