Dressing Up for a School Project

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Luz was in the mood to dress up today. To look nicer than she usually did.

Maybe it was because the sun was out and the birds were chirping through her open window when she woke up. Or, maybe it was because she was going to meet Amity at the library in an hour and a half. Thinking about it, her sudden desire to actually brush her hair must've been due to the latter.

Looking at her reflection in the mirror of her bathroom, she slicked back her hair with some water from the sink. Luz didn't really like her hair to be out of her face, but this looked nice, didn't it? Ugh, why was this so hard?

Luz jumped when the bathroom door opened. "Eda! Privacy please!"

"I'm sorry kid. I've just been listening to you curse about your hair for about five minutes, and decided you probably needed help." Luz sighed. Eda was right.

"Thanks." She said quietly.

Eda smiled. "What are you getting so dressed up for, anyway? Is it prom already?"

Luz chuckled a bit. "Ha! No, that isn't for a month or so. I'm going to the library to work on an English project."

Eda narrowed her eyes. "And why would you need to be wearing a dress shirt and slick back your hair for the library?"

Luz's face flushed. "Uh... it's, uh, part of the project?"

"Are you asking me or telling me, kid."

"I'm telling you! It's for a project."

Eda crossed her arms and smirked. "And who are you doing this project with, exactly?"

Luz looked down at the ground to try and hide her blush. "Amity Blight," she mumbled.

"Kid, I'm old. You're gonna have to speak up."

"Amity Blight!" She yelled, almost a bit too loud for the quiet house.

Eda's eyes went wide, and she failed to stifle a laugh.

"What's so funny?!"

Luz's tone of voice just made Eda burst out laughing until tears fell from her eyes. Luz crossed her arms and pouted.

"I'm sorry kid," Eda said, wiping a tear from her eye.

"Why does everyone react so weirdly whenever I bring up Amity?"

"Because Amity is a Blight, you know."

"You forget I'm new to this town. I have no idea what that means! Why does everyone expect me to know what the hell that means?" Luz shouted, falling to sit on the bathroom floor, a pout on her face.

Eda's face became more serious, and she moved to sit down next to Luz.

"Hey, kid. I'm sorry. I know things have been tough lately, especially with, well, you know."

Luz looked up at Eda. "No, you're okay. I'm just frustrated that nobody will give me a straight answer about Amity's family. I haven't asked Amity herself about anything, cause I don't want to pry, but I'm just tired of being out of the loop in this damn town."

"You can always ask me about shit related to the town, you know. I've lived here my whole life." Eda said, and Luz knew it was her way of trying to help. Luz smiled.

"Thanks, Eda. I'm really glad you took me in instead of some orphanage or something." Luz laughed, but Eda could see through her smile.

"Amity Blight, then? What do you want to know about the family?"

"Hmm... I guess I want to know what's the big deal about them."

Eda gave a short laugh. "They basically built this town. Or at least the rich person area. Not her parents, but her great-great grandparents did."

"That makes a lot of sense, actually."

"Ha! Yeah. I'm assuming Amity and her siblings all got the special treatment at school, huh? I went to school with her parents, and yikes." Luz looked on as Eda laughed at some memory that she didn't share.

"Are her parents that bad?"

"Uh, yeah. Unless they've suddenly become amazing people since I went to school with them 20 years ago, I'm damn sure that they still suck. I feel bad for the kid."

Luz frowned. She supposed that made sense, considering everything. As Luz stood up and helped Eda up from the bathroom floor, she made a mental note to definitely avoid the topic of parents unless Amity brought it up first.

"So then. Are you seriously getting all dressed up to meet Amity Blight at the library for a school project? Because I refuse to believe you have to dress up for the project itself." Eda snorted.

"Yeah, I guess. Kinda."

"Is it a crush?"

Eda's question threw Luz off way more than it should've. "Y—no. Not really. I mean, even if I did, she's like a trademarked straight person."

"Did she say she was straight?"

Luz nodded, looking back at herself in the mirror.

"Eh, then I wouldn't dwell on it too much. I know it's easier said than done, but still, kid. You can't change people, as much as you might want to sometimes." Luz nodded.

"I know. Thank you, Eda. For everything."

Eda smiled and leaned in to mess up Luz's hair. "It looks better messy." With that, she walked out, closing the bathroom door behind her.

Luz looked at herself in the mirror. You can't change people.

She understood. But that wasn't going to stop her from wearing this nice shirt.


Amity was also in the mood to dress up today. To look nicer than she usually did.

Unlike Luz, however, she was 100% sure that it was because of the person she was meeting at the library in an hour and a half.

As a Blight, Amity knew a thing or two about dressing nice. What looked nice, what didn't, and everything in between. Unlike the rest of her family, however, she wore more... alternative clothing. Nothing that would turn heads, but just dark enough that she felt comfortable in them.

Today, she decided on a simple black dress and black leggings. The dress was lace at the very bottom, and went down to her knees. It was modest, like all of her other clothes, and she felt pretty in it. The perfect outfit to wear out to hang out with your cru— with your friend.

"What's the occasion, Mittens?" Edric and Emira popped their heads in her bedroom door, curious looks on their faces.

Amity rolled her eyes. "None of your business."

"Are you going on a date?" They both said in unison.

Amity's entire face turned a bright shade of red. "N-no way! It's just a school project."

Edric and Emira looked at each other for a moment before bursting out laughing.

"The blush? The stuttering?" Emira elbowed her brother, egging him on.

"Our baby sister is in love!" Edric said, a wide smile on his face.

"In love?!" Emira asked, an even wider smile on hers.

The two of them linked arms, and started skipping in circles around each other. "In love! In love!" They chanted, trying to be as obnoxious as humanly possible.

Amity groaned and flopped down on her bed. "I hate both of you more than I can even begin to put into words."

Emira began to laugh so hard that tears left her eyes. "We know you do. But you also love us so much."

"And we love you too, Mittens."

Amity couldn't help but smile a little.

"Yeah, I know you do. Now get out. I have to finish getting ready."

I Don't Fall in Love (Lumity Human AU)Where stories live. Discover now