The New Kid

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Amity Blight isn't the type of girl to fall in love.

This is something she always prided herself in, for as long as she knew what love meant.

No matter how many boys would fall at her feet with love letters or nice compliments, she would have no issue in turning them down.

Now, in her final year of high school, Amity Blight took the fact that she'd never dated anyone with pride. Sure, her friends would tease her for it, but she wasn't exactly bothered.

For as popular as she was, having a boyfriend was basically expected of her, at some point. Plus, her parents were always encouraging her to take a look at the sons of their colleagues.

Amity would have to date someone at some point. Someday, she would fall in love with someone, get married, and so on. But she was sure as hell not excited for that day to come, especially when she had never even had a crush on a single guy.

Amity Blight had never been in love, and never planned on being in love, either.

When anyone asked her about it, she would say the same thing.

"I'd rather focus on getting good grades than worrying about getting a boyfriend," she said, closing her locker. She turned to her friends. "Besides. No guy at this school is even worth the time of day."

Boscha gave a short laugh. "Yeah right, Amity. I swear to God you're a lesbian."

Amity tilted her head. "And which one of us kissed a girl at Amelia's Halloween party last year?"

Boscha groaned, rolling her eyes. "It was a dareee."

Skara laughed. "Yeah right. Besides, though, there's nothing, like... wrong with being gay. If you're gay, Amity, you can just say so."

Amity fumbled with her words for a minute. "Of course I'm not gay. I'm just focused on school. That's all." Skara narrowed her eyes then shrugged.

"Yeah okay. Sorry I said anything."

Boscha cut in, speeding up her walk to be ahead of them. She turned around so that she was walking backwards, facing them. "I'm not sorry. My guess is that Amity comes out before the end of the school year," she said in a sing-song voice.

Amity rolled her eyes. "Can we change the subject please? This conversation is over."

Boscha shrugged, then faced forward again. "So be it!"

Amity looked down at the ground for a second. Could Boscha be any more annoying? Like actually. Amity wasn't sure she'd ever met someone as mean or annoying as Boscha in her entire life. If it wasn't for her parents forcing her to hang out with the girl, Amity was sure that she would have never interacted with her at all.

"Did you guys hear the news?" Skara said, attempting to change the conversation.

"Hm?" Amity wasn't really paying attention.

"There's gonna be a new girl! Like, from another state. Her name is like, Lucy or something," Skara explained.

"Yeah I heard. Apparently like... her parents died or something and she had to move here." Boscha sounded uninterested, and Amity frowned to herself.

"At least act like you care, huh Boscha?" Amity said, her tone cold.

"I don't care, though? It's not like I know her or anything. Besides, it could just be another rumor that Skara started to get pity points." Boscha said, looking down at her phone.

"I never start rumors! That's you, Boscha."

"As if."

As Amity walked into class, she made a mental note that maybe it was time to get some better friends.

I Don't Fall in Love (Lumity Human AU)Where stories live. Discover now