Chapter 78- All This Time

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"What's wrong (y/n)?" His face was coated in a scarlet hue and his spiked blond hair only made the contrast of his ruby eyes brighter. You didn't really have the heart to tell him what you were feeling. After all, you felt like you didn't have the right to be jealous about a 'what-if' scenario while he was faced with actual jealousy. Instead, you learned from this ache and pain...and you weren't going to let him hurt like this anymore because of you.

"I just still feel bad from earlier..." Your expression had fallen when you looked at Katsuki and the memories flooded into your mind of everything the two have been through together.

Katsuki was the first friend you ever had. He went out of his way for you on the first day you met him, willing to spend his day tutoring you when he could have let you suffer.

When Shoto was instigating you about your quirk, Katsuki was the one to defend you and make you feel safe.

Katsuki was there to save you at the Sports Festival, he was the one that was with you every time you went to the hospital, he was the one who invited you into his home and gave you a family for the first time in nearly ten years. It was Katsuki that you shared every first with. He was the one who ventured into hell, sacrificing his soul to liberate you from your shackles in the belly of The Doctor's chamber.

Katsuki Bakugo was your best friend, your lover, and everything you ever wanted in your future. There simply was not a person in this world, even compared to your own parents, that you loved and cherished more than him. He gave you the opportunity to choose life in a world so poisoned and submerged in chaos and death that it made you realize that suffering and pain was not how you had to spend your life. Life was filled with passion and was filled with summer festivals and watching fireworks underneath a clear starry was seeing a light at the end of a hallway and knowing that everything was going to be okay because the person you loved most was there for you.

He made you feel emotions again. He made you vulnerable and human despite the near-decades worth of steel that you tried to guild your heart with. You were a mercenary that cleaned up after failed heroes and killed the worst of the villains. You've sought revenge, you've killed to protect, you've used your quirk and talents for the wrong reasons.

And Katsuki loved you regardless.

"I love you so much Katsuki. I don't know if I'll ever find the words to tell you how much I do...but I just...after everything we've been through together I just...I don't know I can't imagine life without you," your voice echoed within his heart with honesty. He smiled at you, placing a soft kiss against your lips once again.

"Well, it's a good fucking I said forever and always right? You're mine and I'm yours. I fight for you and you fight for me. There's no other way I'd have it." His lips moved towards your neck, with the delicate traces of his lips and tongue setting off fireworks in your chest and heat to pool in your southern regions. "And if you're so worried about me, then mark me up baby. Claim your territory like I wanna claim you," Katsuki purred with a teasing smirk and a lust-filled glint in his eyes. You returned the smirk and quickly flipped the two of you so you were on top of him in a riding position. You lifted off your sweatshirt and the tank top underneath until the only thing you were wearing on your top half was a bra. Katsuki's hands rested on your hips as you slowly ground yourself against him, eliciting a quiet moan from your boyfriend.

"Mark my territory huh? Are you sure you want that?" You asked him smugly. Katsuki snickered before his hands wandered to squeeze your ass with a devious expression on his face.

"Of course I want that, but if this is going to be a competition, you should know by now that you're gonna fucking lose." You raised an eyebrow and your competitive side came out. Just as Katsuki wanted to prove to you before that he was meant to be the number one man in your life, you were going to prove yourself.

Protecting You (Katsuki Bakugo x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz