The Great Tree, Part 6/7

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Furious, Varian draws his sword and charges at Hector. But one of the binturongs slaps it out of his hands, and the other knocks him down to the ground and stands over him.

"You guys couldn't take a hint, now I gotta finish you," Hector says with irritation.

"Let her go, Hector!" Adira says, appearing on the scene.

"Heh," Hector says with a smirk. He throws Cassandra down and she slides across the ground, unconscious.

"Cassandra!" Varian shouts. With the binturongs having turned their attention to Adira, he rushes to her side and cradles her head in his hands.

 With the binturongs having turned their attention to Adira, he rushes to her side and cradles her head in his hands

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Adira and Hector stare at each other intensely, and begin to circle. Varian watches them nervously, unsure whether he should attempt to get Cassandra out of here to safety or stay and try to help Adira. But he realizes he won't be much help at all once he sees the deadly sword that Hector reveals and points at Adira.

In the distance, Rapunzel awakens and notices the faceoff. "Adira!" She shouts worriedly.

"And just so we won't be interrupted..." Hector slices a large tree root, and it falls down with a heavy thud! in between him and Adira, and the campsite. His binturongs climb on top of the root to keep watch and make sure no one from the camp tries to come help. "Now then..." He charges at Adira, but she simply steps out of the way like she did when Rapunzel and Cassandra first met her. He continues to attack her, but she easily evades every blow.

Finally, Hector manages to land a punch in Adira's face. But instead of falling to the ground, she does a backflip and lands on her feet unharmed. She kicks at Hector, sending him backwards. But he does the same and laughs. She finally draws her sword as he runs up a root, and leaps down towards her. Their swords clash and clank together as they continue to fight.

"It's sad to see the once mighty Adira waste her life on a fool's dream," Hector says.

"Talk about wasting lives, you and the Brothers spent yours hiding something no one was even looking for!" Adira shouts.

"The moonstone has the power to destroy the world. Keeping its existence secret was the king's wish, and to do anything otherwise is treason!"

Their fight continues, and at one point Adira manages to toss Hector over her shoulder and knock him to the ground. "I've seen the Sundrop's power firsthand, Hector," she tells him. "And so will you when we return to the Dark Kingdom." She offers him a hand to help him up, but he doesn't accept her help.

"That'll never happen!" He shouts, grabbing her hand with both of his and throwing her with all his might against a tree root. She slumps to the ground in a heap, unconscious. "I'm sorry it came to this, sister."

     Having dealt with Adira, Hector turns Varian's way. "Now to make sure you don't get in the way." He draws his sword.

     "W-Wait, no!" Varian pleads, standing in front of Cassandra protectively as Hector stomps closer. "You can't do this!"

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