Goodbye and Goodwill, Part 4/4

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"Alright, this is ridiculous!" Cassandra says as she and Rapunzel scramble to stand back up. "We have to work together!"

Rapunzel nods. "Eugene, you guys get Quaid! We'll get the sneezeweasel."

Eugene grabs Varian and pulls him along with him, as the girls rush after the creature. "Come on, the sheriff needs us!" Eugene says. He then turns to Vex and adds, "Don't worry, kid! We got this."

As Eugene and Varian begin to help Vex pull Quaid up, Lance and Hook Foot trip on a rope that's part of Rapunzel's 'edgy' Gopher Grab. They fly forward and over the cliff, grabbing onto Quaid as they fall. Eugene, Varian, and Vex still have a hold on the rope, but the added weight causes them to be pulled forward and even their combined strength still cannot pull the others up. The rope continues to slip, as they hold on with all their might.

 The rope continues to slip, as they hold on with all their might

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"Okay, we may not... actually have this," Eugene admits.

"This wouldn't be happening if you hadn't chained Rapunzel and Cass together!" Varian shouts.

"Hey, now is not the time to play the Blame Game!" Eugene responds.

Behind them, the group hear the sneezeweasel still on a rampage and people screaming.

"You thought that was a gopher?!" Eugene yells.

"Me—Me?!" Lance pulls out a drawing from his pocket. "You drew him as big as a tree!"

Varian catches sight of the drawing. It looks terrifying and rather juvenile. He can sort of understand now where the confusion was for them.

"Oh, it's called perspective. Those trees are in the background!" Eugene yells.

"Uh, Eugene?!" Vex shouts, looking behind her.

Eugene and Varian look behind as well, still clinging to the rope. They realize with horror that the sneezeweasel is returning, and coming right at them.

"Oh boy!" Eugene says as Varian and Vex scream.

The sneezeweasel stops in front of them, and is about to sneeze them over the edge of the cliff, when Rapunzel hollers out: "Hey, Pricklepuss!"

"His name's Snoozy!" Lance shouts.

The sneezeweasel turns to Rapunzel and Cassandra with a roar. It charges at them, but just when it jumps at them the girls work in sync to dive down under him, as he soars above them. They rush into the maze of an arena, and the sneezeweasel chases after them.

"I'm not sure how much longer we can hold on!" Lance whimpers.

"The girls have this covered!" Eugene says. But he still looks worried.

"Eugene, they've got this," Varian says encouragingly, struggling to hold onto the rope.

"I know kid, I know," Eugene replies. "I have faith in Rapunzel."

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