Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

The door swung open, and I think Julian and I both looked like deers that missed death by a hair. Mr. Williams' eyes darted between both of us for a second. Were we caught? He doesn't look surprised?

"Miss Locke, you may come in." His voice sounded lower than usual.
Julian tried to tail behind me, but Mr. Williams  blocked his entrance. "Chaperones wait outside for this one. We'll be finishing up here in just a second. You and Mr. Locke can wait at the front office for this ray of sunshine. It's two doors down. She won't be long."

Julian muttered something, but I couldn't make it out. It was probably something I shouldn't hear. I probably should get rid of the red thats plaguing my face. A few deep breaths should do the trick. Daddy passed me by, and we made eye contact. He looked very annoyed. I can't tell if it was because Mr. Williams had given him an earful, or if he just hated him. It was probably both.

As the door clicked shut, I went to sit down. "No need to take a seat, love. This will be quick."

"What did I do wrong, Sir?"

"Nothing. I would just like to point out a few things, and then you'll be on your way." He closed the distance between us. Julian was right. He did smell like cigarettes. There's a little more than a hint of alcohol in there, too.

"I think it's high time we had this talk, kitten." His eyes went from mine down to my legs. I felt myself freeze. He crouched down to them and I felt the warmth roughness of his hand right above the pit of my knee. Gross. "You have something on your tights." His thumb brushed away at whatever was there.

My knee buckled from being too harshly locked, and my hand instinctively went out to catch myself. It landed on his shoulder. His leather jacket felt very used, and I didn't want to think about what could be on there.
This is disgusting. I can't believe this.
"You don't have permission to touch me..."

"What was that?" He stood up, and was closer than ever. His eyes looked at me lazily, but the corners of his mouth twitched upwards. Is he enjoying the challenge I presented??

"I s-said that you don't have permission to touch me. I did not give you permission."

He laughed a low, shocked laugh. At least he was surprised.

"I don't need permission when your grade rides on my word. How would Daddy feel if his little peach failed a class? Would he let you go to church? Would he let you see your precious pastor? Oh, I'm sorry, we call him Father Julian, don't we...angel?"

"You may NOT call me that!"

"Why, is that name already reserved by someone? I wonder who? I see right through your ruse, Caroline. You may fool everyone else, but I know that glow in your face. That glow is too intimate to be a good night's sleep."
He grabbed my chin and turned my head to face him. I could feel his eyes not only undressing me, but undressing my thoughts. I feel so vulnerable.
"Look me in the eyes, and look very closely. You deserve someone who will give you what you need. Who will satisfy all of your needs. Can a church do that? I don't think so. Open your eyes! Listen to me! Your God is leading you astray. Follow your desires."

He lifted me on to a desk, then took his free hand and grabbed mine. Promptly then thrusting it on top of his jeans. I don't think I need to look down to know what part of his body could possibly be that stiff.

"Do you feel that? How are you going to tell me that that isn't what you need? I know how minds like yours think, and I know that your innocence leads to incredible curiosity." He sounds so scary.

WAIT! They're both still here!! I forgot they're waiting in the office to take me home! WE'RE TWO ROOMS FROM THE OFFICE!!
I leaned my head slowly towards the door, hoping maybe the janitor was doing a second round. He brushed my lips with his thumb and jerked my head back to face him. His face was now too close. His thumb tastes so gross. Why is it in my mouth??


"Say 'daddy' again."

I can hear running!! They heard me!!

The door crashed open and smacked the wall behind it. "Caroli- OH MY GOD!! GET AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!!"

Julian got in between us. He shoved Mr. Williams back, over his desk, and the force pushed everything to the wall. Including himself with it. He's pinned. Thank you, God for giving him a good 6 inches in height on Mr. Williams. Daddy got on the phone, I think he's calling the police. I'm so tired. I can't watch Julian obliterating him. The sounds are proof enough. I was standing, but now I'm on the floor. I can't breathe. What just happened? What's happening? My eyes won't stay open. All I can hear is Julian screaming at him, and hard blows landing.


"Caroline! Are you okay? Yes, we might need an ambulance as well. Caroline, sweet pea, look at me. Open your eyes, sugar. It's me. It's Daddy! I'm right here. Yes, an ambulance! She's passing out!"

Caroline and the PastorWhere stories live. Discover now