Chapter Eleven

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As usual, Caroline was the most well behaved of them all during the prayer hours today. She didn't complain about her knees, like the rest of them. Even though, we know what that's like.
She's been spending a lot of time with me, instead of socializing with the others. Our sisters are baking me a cake today and I told them to bake her one, as well. I know she'll be as red as a cherry when we bring it out at dinner tonight, but she's worth it.
I also got her something, but I'm hoping to give it to her in private. Since she hates surprises, and I've already set the cake in motion, it's the least I can do.
Someone's knocking?


Perfect! I can give it to her now.

"Come in, dear. Is there anything I can do for you?"

"N-no. Not anything in particular. I just wanted to be with you- be in your company, I mean. I enjoy your company too, you know."
Her laugh. It sounds like wind chimes on a cool summer evening; peaceful, and lovely.

"I see. Have a seat, darling. know how it's your birthday? Well I have this for you."

I handed her the small red velvet box, topped with a bow.

"Oh! You shouldn't have! Oh no. I didn't get you anything! Daddy usually takes care of that from all of us. I pick it out, though. It'll be there for you when we get back!"
She began to open it with the most gentle movements of her fingers I have ever seen.
"Oh my, this is absolutely gorgeous!! A golden crucifix necklace, with a diamond! I've always wanted one of these! Thank you so much, Fath- um.. Julian."

She smiled her classically charming smile that was accompanied by her signature blushing complexion. Both of which sent a calming warmth all throughout my very soul. Not to mention, my name accompanying those two things also have me feeling a certain way.

"Of course, Caroline. I had to show you how much I care for you. Don't want you going about thinking for a second I'm not here for you."

She laughed and rested her head in my hand as I tucked some loose hair behind her ear. Her skin is just as soft as I imagined it to be.

"Same to you, Julian. Don't you forget it."
She poked my nose with the tip of her finger and let out the sweetest sigh.
"I can't imagine how different my life would be, if you weren't this much of an absolute blessing. Oh! Hey, may I come back here after dinner? I'd like to call my parents early tonight.  As a 'please forgive me' from last night because...well you know... because I was too busy layin' in.. in your bed?"

"All accounts are fine by me. Go get washed up. It's time for dinner."

"Yes, sir, of course! Sorry. Yes, Julian, of course."

She caught herself and is trying to stay composed, but I can tell she's flustered. It's unfortunate, for her, that it's such a nice look on her.

"You can keep 'sir', too. It has a nice ring to it, coming from you."
She turned back on her way out to flash me one last smile.

God, forgive me.

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