Chapter Four

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Poor thing must be a mess, but I had to get that teacher to leave her alone. We need her here. I hope I can find her soon.

"Caroline? Caroline, darling, where are you?"

I checked all the bathrooms on the main floor, which means she's downstairs.


I could hear small, hiccuping sobs coming from.. the kitchen? Of course, it's the farthest away from the stairs.

"Darling, oh...oh no. What's the matter?"

"I... can never... do anything...right! No matter what... I do... daddy ha... hates me"

Each hiccup caused a sort of - pain in me. I couldn't handle how much pain she was in. Before I could think of what to say, she was already curled up in my chest. Her sobs echoed through my ribs and straight to my heart.

"Caroline, he doesn't hate you. All he does is talk about you when you're not around. He shows tough love because he knows you can... take it. You're such a sweet, pure, and caring woman. He knows he raised you right, and wants to push you to be your best."

She said nothing, but the hiccups were slowing down. That means it's working.

"I'm sorry I mentioned it to them, but it had to be said. It's not your fault at all. It's his and he needs to understand your duties as well as you do."

"It's.. not my fault?"

She grabbed a napkin to gently blot away her tears and blow her nose. Even her nose-blowing was gentle. Her face was red and puffy, that poor girl.

"No, my dear. No."

"Thank you for helping me, Father. I don't deserve you."

"You deserve the world, Caroline. We just have two more days and then we're on the road to GCA. What do you say to that, hm?"

I tried to gently wipe away her tears and not disrupt what was left of her mascara. She doesn't need it, but she likes it, so it stays.

She smiled as my hands cupped her jaw. I brushed her hair away from her face and checked her eyes for any remaining sadness. She was almost okay.

Wow I really care for her. If I let myself indulge, I'll have to plan on leaving the Ministry. Is that a risk I'm willing to take?
Maybe if I just see where I'm at, when I have a level head?

"Hey.. I just wanted to say that.. um."

No. The devil must be working on my mind. Maybe I have to pray. Do penance. Something to cure my thoughts. I just need to level my head.


But here she is. I can't tear myself away, since she's always here, and I can't think correctly when she is. I need air.

"Father Julian?"

"What is it, Caroline!?"


Oh no.. I snapped at her. No poor thing.
I didn't meant it

"I just wanted to say...thank you."

Just like that, she was gone. I hope this dinner ends soon.
I need time to think.

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